I have decided to start a family blog for several reasons. Nana has one about her sheep and their sheep ranch, a bunch of my friends all have blogs, and the CarePage has limited pictures in addition to a character limit per post. There are days when I am long winded and have more than a few things to say.
Currently Celidah is in middle school and in the National International Baccalaureate (IB) Program. There is one middle school in our local area that offers this program and a couple high schools. However, we are looking at the Denver School of Performing Arts for her next year. The audition process for next year is starting next month. We have to attend a pre-audition meeting, return for the audition, and return one more time for the placement testing. If accepted she will enter this school under the dance major track. DSPA is a magnet school for 6th-12th grade teaching not only academics but performing arts skills. There are several tracks that Celidah could probably try for, but dancing is her life right now.
Jade is in the 3rd grade, completely mainstreamed and doing very well. She really likes her teacher. She really loves dance especially ballet. This week she gets to try the advanced ballet level class to see if or how close to joining that class she is. She is already in pre-point and getting ready to eventually perform on pointe shoes. Her dream.
Corbyn in the 2nd grade and struggling this year. He does not seem to grasping the various concepts very quickly. Math and writing are his worse subjects and we are working to find out what needs to be done to make sure he is progressing. Homework? Not a term he likes or wants to hear. He will outright refuse to do any homework if allowed. Then when we do get any completed it is a LONG drawn out painful process.
Jairon is in the 1st grade and doing very well with the exception of writing. He is very low on the proficiency charts for his ability. He is a very smart child who is reading above his grade level, comprehends and love math, totally loves art and music. He is struggling only with writing at this point.
Zachariah is in preschool and attends Monday-Thursday in the afternoon. He is a total bundle of opinionated energy. This child is never able to sit still and has to be doing some thing at all times. Preferably, running and jumping. He recently had his feeding tube removed and is thrilled to be a big boy with two belly buttons. His has his "tummy button and the doctor button." As he calls them. The tummy button is his belly button and the doctor button is the scar from where his feeding tube was for 4 years.
Chantelle is participating in a preschool coop this year. She was to young for preschool so I was blessed to be able to join 5 other families wanting preschool for their children. There are six 3 year old children in this group. She has her "school" Mondays and Wednesdays and LOVES being a big enough girl to attend school. She is recent graduate from oxygen and constant monitoring. However, she will not be getting rid of her feeding tube any time soon.
Mistoffeleese is our cat who is now about 8 months old and already the size of a full grown cat. He is almost 9 pounds with huge feet. Mistoffeleese is all black and like the magical cat on "Cats" he too seems to have his magical abilities. He is able to hide from everyone in the house making the kids think he is gone and lost then suddenly appearing as if he had always been there.
He is SUCH a gentle cat and will let the kids do anything with him. They love to carry him around the house like a baby and he just melts in their arms purring the whole time. He never claws or scratches the kids on purpose even when made at them. He has almost dog like mannerisms and leaves us wondering how he is a cat with his personality. I have never seen a cat so loving or gentle in my life.
Frank (daddy as the kids call him) is getting ready to take tap again now that his ankle is getting better. He is a soldier in the Army and we are looking at possible deployment overseas. Where we are not sure yet.
I am here to write and try to keep up with everything that happens. I may not post everyday as I am not only a mother but a full time student, the administrative manager for the kids dance school, and the local Elementary School PTA President. Yes, I keep very busy.
Oh and yes I know I have misspelled monkeys. My screen name for everything online is either SixLittleMonkies or MyLittleMonkies. The monkies was misspelled on purpose to set my screen names apart from others with monkey/s in the names.