Friday, April 12, 2013

What a busy day I have and I will be so glad when the night is over and I can get some sleep.

To start off our crazy busy day we remembered that Jairon had a script at the pharmacy waiting to be picked at and dropped off at the school for this Harford Glenn camping trip next week (school nature/science camp experience). We left to get the script and dropped it off at the school.

We were about to head over to Wal-Mart to get the final items needed for the scout camp tonight but realized we forgot something at home, so back home we went. While we waited for Corbyn to get home from school, Frank finished packing and the truck was loaded. Once Corbyn, was packed for camp and his stuff in the truck we then left to get the final items needed for the scout camp.

By this time it was now 4:50 and Celidah had been finished with her drama practice and waiting for her ride. We dropped by the high school grabbed dinner (on the go) then headed off to pick up another scout leader needing a ride. Once we picked the scout leader up it was then 5:30, knowing I did not have the time to drop scouts (and leaders) off for the camp, we turned back and waited for Jairon to arrive at the elementary school from the Cherry Blossom Parade rehearsal for tomorrows parade.

With Jairon now in the truck, we had a full load by this point, we turned around again heading back to get all those needing to get to the camp. By the time we arrived, unloaded the truck, loaded those needing to get back home, and back on the road it was now almost 7:40. The two needing to get home were now thrilled to be heading back home.

Almost home we made one more super annoying stop (to the kids) because I knew we needed milk, cereal, dinner, and a few other items.

Now I sit here waiting for Open Rec to get over so I get the kids from there and home, then go to bed and be ready to have Jairon up and ready to be at the school by 5:15 tomorrow morning.