Friday Corbyn, Jade, and Jairon had the Harford County Band night. During this event all the feeder elementary and middle schools for Aberdeen join the high school marching band on the field. This year they had over 350 students playing together. The elementary kids played one song while the middle school kids played two songs then everyone marched off together. The smiles, excitement, and pride from especially the youngest kids was wonderful to watch.
Sunday the county had its annual Showcase of the Bands. Everyone was delighted the weather held out and allowed all schools to perform. In my opinion, only three schools really excelled and had marching band programs that were not only entertaining but showed solid commitment between both students, parents, and staff. Aberdeen, North Harford, and C. Milton Wright. If the schools were judged I'm not quite sure who would be on top of the three.
CMW for sure has the largest marching band. I don't remember if North Harford used music or not. However, with the wind, the schools relying on music were greatly affected as the lyre pages were flapping all over and if music was not taped in place, flying all over the field. Many students relying heavily on music were often unable to look up as needed and instrument bells faced downward, causing a natural mute. Especially with the wind.
Poor Jade has been sick this week, but refused to miss the game. While she was running a fever and not at school on Thursday, she went on Friday so she could make the game (fever and all). Then still not feeling well on Sunday, she went anyway because again she was not going to miss the performance.
Last week we discovered petechia rashes on Corbyn. Blood work confirmed his platelets are indeed dropping again. His band instrument is the bassoon, marching band, auxiliary percussion, meaning he stands still banging things keeping a steady rhythm. He'd be just fine for both the game and the show. We'll keep an eye on him and let the school know when he needs another emergency IVIg infusion. We tag along to everything anyway.