Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Fixing" Father's Day

Today for Zach’s language lesson, we were discussing special holidays as proper nouns and sentence structure. One of Zach’s sentences he needed to help fix was:

In June we celebrate father’s day.

Well he knew that Father’s Day was the holiday and the proper noun that needed fixing. So I asked him “How do we fix Father’s Day?” Before he could even answer Chantelle proudly told him “by fixing breakfast for daddy!”

Zach replied, “No! you fix the F and the D.”

Chantelle replied back, “But daddy needs breakfast on Father’s Day.”

Zach: “But the D and the F have to be capital letters!”

Chantelle: “You can’t fix Father’s day with letters!” and stomps off.

Zach confused by this point, “Mom, I need to fix the D and F with capital letters not breakfast to make the sentence right, right?”

At this point trying not to laugh at my 1st grader and preschooler with two very different thought processes I let Zach know he had found the correct words to fix in his sentence.

Discovering New Words

Sunday at church I was TRYING to keep Zach occupied. So I opened the hymnal and was helping him pick out words I knew he could read. The we came across a new word for him Je-sus and we started to sound it out. j-ee ss-u -s   j -eee  sss  US    JEEE  sss US  Finally, he figured out the word was Jesus!

Total excitement covered his face and of course he just had to give me a big high 5!

Soon he was digging through the hymnal looking through every song finding and counting every Jesus he could. Soon his excitetment was almost more than his little excited body could contain. Try as he might his quiet whisper was no longer a soft whisper, but a loud harsh whisper. His little started bouncing up and down on the metal chair, and his feet soon started to echo loud thumps as his feet crashed into legs with each new word. Soon I started seeing eyes looking back as he tried oh so hard to sit still, and whisper quietly that he had found yet another Jesus in the book.

Suddenly, Jesus was forgotten about when "Away in the Manger" was discovered! "Wow look mom this song is simply filled with words I do know!" He nearly shouted. Soon he was back to whispering in his loud harsh excited voice, only this time joined by Chantelle who knew a few of the words.

Reading is so exciting when a new book is discovered, and words begin exploding off the pages right before your eyes!