Well this was a fairly short ER stay tonight!
Thank goodness everything checked out okay tonight! Looks like the headache is a combination of the concussion that Corbyn sustained on Tuesday when he got into a fight at school and was knocked out.
He simply needs more time to heal. To complicate matters he appears to have had a slight reaction to the IVIg causing the headache to become worse and last longer. The ER staff is sure the dizziness and vomiting is from the concussion and increased from the headache.
The good news is that the head CT came back clean. There is no sign of cerebral hemorrhaging (brain bleeding), also his platelet count is up to 130k. Not as high as his last IVIg count of 170k but we are still thrilled with the 130k count.
We are just about to head back home. He is still on concussion restrictions. No active activities. No biking, running, jumping, (fighting) or similar activities. Not that he is interested in these activities anyway. LOL he just told the Dr. that he never wants a headache, vomiting, or dizziness like what he has experienced today. So time will tell if he has truly learned from this experience.
I think he has.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Back at the ER
Well we are back at the ER with Corbyn. Since he came home on Wednesday he has continued to have a bad headache that has required round the clock tylonel. Well this afternoon I pulled him out of school early because he needed additional blood work drawn to check his platelet levels. By the time I got him home around 2-2:30 he was not only dealing with a horrid headache, but dizziness, and vomiting.
After multiple calls back and forth with the johns Hopkins Peds Hematology team it was decided we needed to bring him back immediately and have another CT-scan run before anything was decided. So now here we sit and wait for test results.
After multiple calls back and forth with the johns Hopkins Peds Hematology team it was decided we needed to bring him back immediately and have another CT-scan run before anything was decided. So now here we sit and wait for test results.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Jade is 16!
This year as a family we celebrated Jade's birthday early. Since her dad was going to be leaving town before her birthday and missing her concert, we wanted her to get her gift while he was still here.
Jade's main gift is a new intermediate flute that will convert to open holes.
This was the best gift of all. When she first start to open it she looked at her new flute speechless and in awe not wanting to touch it. Finally, after being told to she gently touched her flute, let out a little squeal of delight, and gently picked it up. Very carefully and gingerly she put her new flute together and gasped in awe and delight with how easily it went together.
Then with the flute in her hands, she felt the weight, and informed up not only had she been oogling over the very same flute, but loved how light it was. After some coaxing she gently placed her new friend to her lips and began to let the melodies to flow. As the beautiful melodies left her fingers and flute she melted into her chair and squealed with delight again. This was a sign of true love at first sight, tough, and playing.
Not only did she have her flute for her concert, but she has been loving this special tool just for her. Now for her Masquerade Ball themed party!
Jade's main gift is a new intermediate flute that will convert to open holes.
This was the best gift of all. When she first start to open it she looked at her new flute speechless and in awe not wanting to touch it. Finally, after being told to she gently touched her flute, let out a little squeal of delight, and gently picked it up. Very carefully and gingerly she put her new flute together and gasped in awe and delight with how easily it went together.
Then with the flute in her hands, she felt the weight, and informed up not only had she been oogling over the very same flute, but loved how light it was. After some coaxing she gently placed her new friend to her lips and began to let the melodies to flow. As the beautiful melodies left her fingers and flute she melted into her chair and squealed with delight again. This was a sign of true love at first sight, tough, and playing.
Not only did she have her flute for her concert, but she has been loving this special tool just for her. Now for her Masquerade Ball themed party!
Kids Concerts and Performances!
This month has been very busy with the kids Holiday concerts and musical performances. The high school started the month off with the concert on December 1st (Yes Jade's 16th birthday). They changed the format this year and did a variety show style. This allowed for the band, orchestra, concert band, marching band, choirs, symphonic band, chamber orchestra, jazz band, and a variety of others to all perform together. The final part of the concert was the marching band all on stage, about 120 kids, playing their marching band songs for all their family members that came. Jade is in Marching and Concert band. She was glad when this week was over.
Personally, I loved the format and being able to see everyone perform together.
December 5th Fame performed
December 6th, the Marching Band marched in 2 local parades. All the kids were able to play in the morning parade, however, the afternoon parade, only the brass instruments played as it was raining to hard for the woodwinds to be in the rain. Poor Jade was so wet and cold when the afternoon parade was over.
Then that even the kids wrapped up their final Fame performance. They had some great singers this year and we could really hear them all way to the back of the stage.
The 10th gave way to the elementary kids concert. The 4th and 5th grade choir, band and orchestra. Zach is in both orchestra and choir. He is with the sopranos and plays the violin. Ellie can't wait until next year when she can join orchestra and choir.
Then tonight the middle school had their band concert for 6th grade and concert bands. Jairon had a blast on stage, but Corbyn was missing from tonight performance. Sadly even if he had not gotten in a fight and been suspended, having needed IVIg today, he would have had to miss the concert tonight anyway. However, dangerously low platelet count and emergency infusion is a much better reason to miss a concert than, suspension, emergency infusion, and head trauma observation due to starting a fight. Oh well... What can you do?
Personally, I loved the format and being able to see everyone perform together.
December 5th Fame performed
December 6th, the Marching Band marched in 2 local parades. All the kids were able to play in the morning parade, however, the afternoon parade, only the brass instruments played as it was raining to hard for the woodwinds to be in the rain. Poor Jade was so wet and cold when the afternoon parade was over.
Then that even the kids wrapped up their final Fame performance. They had some great singers this year and we could really hear them all way to the back of the stage.
The 10th gave way to the elementary kids concert. The 4th and 5th grade choir, band and orchestra. Zach is in both orchestra and choir. He is with the sopranos and plays the violin. Ellie can't wait until next year when she can join orchestra and choir.
Then tonight the middle school had their band concert for 6th grade and concert bands. Jairon had a blast on stage, but Corbyn was missing from tonight performance. Sadly even if he had not gotten in a fight and been suspended, having needed IVIg today, he would have had to miss the concert tonight anyway. However, dangerously low platelet count and emergency infusion is a much better reason to miss a concert than, suspension, emergency infusion, and head trauma observation due to starting a fight. Oh well... What can you do?
Dr Who Scarf Fight????
Yes You read that right... There was a fight between TWO teenage boys over a Dr Who scarf at the middle school yesterday. The end results were far from desirable and we can ONLY hope the primary party in this situation not only realizes the severity of the situation, but also learned a valuable lesson.
So what happened?
Well yesterday morning just before 9am I received a call from the middle school letting me know that Corbyn had been beat up. Initially, the school thought that we should press charges because there was no way he could have been involved in the situation. However, more pressing was the fact that we needed to get him to the ER immediately for a concussion evaluation and make sure there was cerebral hemorrhaging due to Corbyn being punched multiple times in the face, knocked out, and swelling already occurring.
With this being said my mind was racing a million miles. I called the peds and hematology offices and asked about which ER to take him. Both said the nearest local ER. I then called and cancelled my physical therapy appointments, Frank called work and was told to deal with the situation. We left for the school. The next call from the school was the assistant principal who informed us he was a partial instigator in the situation and she needed to talk with us as soon as we arrived.
Corbyn was already in her office and not looking happy at all. She informed us what she had already told us over the phone right in front of Corbyn and let us know she had to suspend him as well as the other child. The poor child when we agreed with her that he deserved the suspension. He had a look of horror and she (the assistant principal) had a look of relief.
That was totally not fair or right, mom and dad sided with the principal this time. Sorry kid, start a fight and you lose any chance for argument.
How did the fight start?
The kids were waiting for the 6th grader band and choir to finish practicing and got bored so they started bugging each other. Several kids thought it would be funny to poke Corbyn's Dr Who scarf. Well, Corbyn decided to tell the kids "touch my scarf again and I'll punch you in the face." After he said this, the kids took his "dare" to heart and decided to touch to see what would happen. Corbyn swung and missed the 1st boy, they kept on, so now this became a game to the others until he actually struck one of the kids. This child fought back. He fought back hard. Hard enough in fact to knock him out. Oh and he just happened to get the tallest kid in school too...
Normally, boys getting into a fight is not that big a deal. Well, that is when you have to medically normal teens. For 7 years now, as much as he wishes he were normal he is not. Corbyn has a platelet disorder called Chronic Refractive Immune Thromocytopenic Purpura or a bleeding/platelet disorder where the body kills the platelets before they can enter the bloodstream. A healthy person requires a 350,000 platelet count per unit of blood. During the time of the fight we thought Corbyn's platelet count was 33,000-44,000, however blood work proved his count was 12,000. Yes, that is only 0.03% of the required healthy count. Even at 33k-44k that is only 0.09%-0.1%. So even at 44k he would still not have 1% of the required platelets needed for clotting.
When the local ER saw the blood count of 12k, they freaked out and arranged for immediate PICU medivac to Johns Hopkins Children's Center Shock Trauma. He was transported for head trauma observation, emergency IVIg infusion, and PICU care if needed. Thank goodness the PICU care was not needed.
Yes, he is now home, exhausted, frustrated, tired from having to retell his story a millions times over, not happy about being chewed out. He is still suspended through tomorrow but hopefully having learned a lesson.
Although just because he is home, does not mean all is well. We have to watch him still due to the concussion he sustained. If his headache does not go away he have to call his hematologist back and he may still have to have another round of CT or MRI scans to check for micro-cerebral hemorrhaging. If he becomes dizzy or nauseous then we are to call the hematologist and peds dr right away and take him back to the ER. If he begins seeing spots, vomiting, and becomes dizzy, then we are not to wait, but to call 911 immediately. We are to inform them he has a platelet disorder, a recent concussion, and possible cerebral hemorrhaging combined with dangerously low platelets and that he needs immediate transport letting them know his hematology team is at Johns Hopkins.
All of this over a scarf....
So what happened?
Well yesterday morning just before 9am I received a call from the middle school letting me know that Corbyn had been beat up. Initially, the school thought that we should press charges because there was no way he could have been involved in the situation. However, more pressing was the fact that we needed to get him to the ER immediately for a concussion evaluation and make sure there was cerebral hemorrhaging due to Corbyn being punched multiple times in the face, knocked out, and swelling already occurring.
With this being said my mind was racing a million miles. I called the peds and hematology offices and asked about which ER to take him. Both said the nearest local ER. I then called and cancelled my physical therapy appointments, Frank called work and was told to deal with the situation. We left for the school. The next call from the school was the assistant principal who informed us he was a partial instigator in the situation and she needed to talk with us as soon as we arrived.
Corbyn was already in her office and not looking happy at all. She informed us what she had already told us over the phone right in front of Corbyn and let us know she had to suspend him as well as the other child. The poor child when we agreed with her that he deserved the suspension. He had a look of horror and she (the assistant principal) had a look of relief.
That was totally not fair or right, mom and dad sided with the principal this time. Sorry kid, start a fight and you lose any chance for argument.
How did the fight start?
The kids were waiting for the 6th grader band and choir to finish practicing and got bored so they started bugging each other. Several kids thought it would be funny to poke Corbyn's Dr Who scarf. Well, Corbyn decided to tell the kids "touch my scarf again and I'll punch you in the face." After he said this, the kids took his "dare" to heart and decided to touch to see what would happen. Corbyn swung and missed the 1st boy, they kept on, so now this became a game to the others until he actually struck one of the kids. This child fought back. He fought back hard. Hard enough in fact to knock him out. Oh and he just happened to get the tallest kid in school too...
Normally, boys getting into a fight is not that big a deal. Well, that is when you have to medically normal teens. For 7 years now, as much as he wishes he were normal he is not. Corbyn has a platelet disorder called Chronic Refractive Immune Thromocytopenic Purpura or a bleeding/platelet disorder where the body kills the platelets before they can enter the bloodstream. A healthy person requires a 350,000 platelet count per unit of blood. During the time of the fight we thought Corbyn's platelet count was 33,000-44,000, however blood work proved his count was 12,000. Yes, that is only 0.03% of the required healthy count. Even at 33k-44k that is only 0.09%-0.1%. So even at 44k he would still not have 1% of the required platelets needed for clotting.
When the local ER saw the blood count of 12k, they freaked out and arranged for immediate PICU medivac to Johns Hopkins Children's Center Shock Trauma. He was transported for head trauma observation, emergency IVIg infusion, and PICU care if needed. Thank goodness the PICU care was not needed.
Yes, he is now home, exhausted, frustrated, tired from having to retell his story a millions times over, not happy about being chewed out. He is still suspended through tomorrow but hopefully having learned a lesson.
Although just because he is home, does not mean all is well. We have to watch him still due to the concussion he sustained. If his headache does not go away he have to call his hematologist back and he may still have to have another round of CT or MRI scans to check for micro-cerebral hemorrhaging. If he becomes dizzy or nauseous then we are to call the hematologist and peds dr right away and take him back to the ER. If he begins seeing spots, vomiting, and becomes dizzy, then we are not to wait, but to call 911 immediately. We are to inform them he has a platelet disorder, a recent concussion, and possible cerebral hemorrhaging combined with dangerously low platelets and that he needs immediate transport letting them know his hematology team is at Johns Hopkins.
All of this over a scarf....
November/December Catch-Up
Seems I have posted very little these two months. I am going to copy from Facebook first them go back through the pictures and see what I have missed posting.
Oh my goodness! Ellie just came running out of her room telling me
"Mom! Zach is pretending to be a Weeping Angel on me!"
ROFL she was totally annoyed when I told her to just "ignore him" and go to bed.
"but mom, you can't just ignore weeping angels"
LOL yes you can if the weeping angel is your brother... (sigh)
Oh my goodness! Ellie just came running out of her room telling me
"Mom! Zach is pretending to be a Weeping Angel on me!"
ROFL she was totally annoyed when I told her to just "ignore him" and go to bed.
"but mom, you can't just ignore weeping angels"
LOL yes you can if the weeping angel is your brother... (sigh)
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Tonight was a great game and the band played great! I also got some awesome pictures. Some to share here are:
Oh yeah and AHS is still undefeated!!!
Oh yeah and AHS is still undefeated!!!
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playing around a bit with the pictures from last night
Tonight we had plans suddenly changed on us. Both Corbyn and Jairon excitedly packed for their scout camp out this weekend. I got the trailer and readied everything to first drop Jade off at marching band practice, drop the boys and the trailer off for the camp out. Then just as we were about to leave, I got a 3rd call from the heme team letting me know they had been discussing Corbyn's platelet drop and they had been debating whether to let him wait till Monday or to bring him in today.
My heart sank when I was asked what his plans for the weekend were because I knew that he was not going camping. When heard "scout camp" the next question was, "does he have petechei rashes or are they worse?" After calling Corbyn over and having him lift his shirt, I was not happy to see his chest covered. I was asked how soon I could get him in. With a time frame given, I was told the ER would be expecting him. Well not only was the ER waiting, so was the admitting team.
As soon as the team tooked look and saw that not only was his chest, but arms, and legs covered in the rash, he was given no choice about being admitted, getting ivig, and missing the corn maze scout camp tonight and tomorrow. At this point I am not sure he realizes he will not be going, but he sure will once he wakes in the morning.
Huge thanks to my friends who are helping get Jade home from the game, and with the kids at the house.
My heart sank when I was asked what his plans for the weekend were because I knew that he was not going camping. When heard "scout camp" the next question was, "does he have petechei rashes or are they worse?" After calling Corbyn over and having him lift his shirt, I was not happy to see his chest covered. I was asked how soon I could get him in. With a time frame given, I was told the ER would be expecting him. Well not only was the ER waiting, so was the admitting team.
As soon as the team tooked look and saw that not only was his chest, but arms, and legs covered in the rash, he was given no choice about being admitted, getting ivig, and missing the corn maze scout camp tonight and tomorrow. At this point I am not sure he realizes he will not be going, but he sure will once he wakes in the morning.
Huge thanks to my friends who are helping get Jade home from the game, and with the kids at the house.
We are home! This was a very good and interesting stay for us at Hopkins with Corbyn. We have discovered several wonderful things we did not expect at all.
First off, several days ago we saw Dr M, here on base for a routine follow up, blood work, and paperwork for the school to verify Corbyn's ITP or his platelet disorder. What we did NOT expect was to discover that his platelets had plummeted.
About 8pm last night we made our way up to 10S in the Children's center. Funny how Corbyn and Ellie have very differing opinions about the floor, play room and what is available. Once he was fully admitted on the floor we waited for the final orders and meds.
Finally, about 9 they start the pre-med infusion, then about 10:30 the ivig infusion began. This time the ivig was scheduled to run for 8 hours. Between the length of time and the pre-meds he was given, (and maybe the fact that he is older) he did not have any side effects at all. Best of all, Corbyn was able to avoid using the Lasix treatments!
This morning blood draw shows he had an immediate response to the infusion. This is a 1st for him the entire time he has had ITP! Oh and his platelets are now at 40K!!!
Plan of action, more blood work on Thursday here with Dr M. I get to talk to the school about his PE restrictions. Basically they do not want him doing anything until he is followed with his heme team (appt will be made on Mon.) LOL this did not make Corbyn happy.
The good news? Well, we may be out of the refractory phase! What is the refractory phase? Well, refractory in the medical world is non-responsive to medications. Because he responded to the ivig last night, we may have new (maybe even old) meds available for him if we are once entering the count roller coaster.
First off, several days ago we saw Dr M, here on base for a routine follow up, blood work, and paperwork for the school to verify Corbyn's ITP or his platelet disorder. What we did NOT expect was to discover that his platelets had plummeted.
About 8pm last night we made our way up to 10S in the Children's center. Funny how Corbyn and Ellie have very differing opinions about the floor, play room and what is available. Once he was fully admitted on the floor we waited for the final orders and meds.
Finally, about 9 they start the pre-med infusion, then about 10:30 the ivig infusion began. This time the ivig was scheduled to run for 8 hours. Between the length of time and the pre-meds he was given, (and maybe the fact that he is older) he did not have any side effects at all. Best of all, Corbyn was able to avoid using the Lasix treatments!
This morning blood draw shows he had an immediate response to the infusion. This is a 1st for him the entire time he has had ITP! Oh and his platelets are now at 40K!!!
Plan of action, more blood work on Thursday here with Dr M. I get to talk to the school about his PE restrictions. Basically they do not want him doing anything until he is followed with his heme team (appt will be made on Mon.) LOL this did not make Corbyn happy.
The good news? Well, we may be out of the refractory phase! What is the refractory phase? Well, refractory in the medical world is non-responsive to medications. Because he responded to the ivig last night, we may have new (maybe even old) meds available for him if we are once entering the count roller coaster.
Well tonight's Halloween party seems to have been a success. The kids played the minute to win it games very well and we had to break the kids into 4 teams. We had a LOT of kids show up this year!
The games we played:
Eyeball super ball toss into the cauldron- yes bouncing super balls across the room into a small black plastic cauldron
Bat toss into a bucket-tossing plastic bats into a bucket across the room
Vampire Pie (chocolate pudding with whipped cream) eating race. The kids had to eat their pie the fastest with vampire teeth in and using no hands.
Spider toss-plastic spider toss into a formula can
Mummy bugger movers- moving mini marshmallows with a straw from a plate into a small cup
I think that is all we did. The pictures will tell for sure once I get them uploaded.
The games we played:
Eyeball super ball toss into the cauldron- yes bouncing super balls across the room into a small black plastic cauldron
Bat toss into a bucket-tossing plastic bats into a bucket across the room
Vampire Pie (chocolate pudding with whipped cream) eating race. The kids had to eat their pie the fastest with vampire teeth in and using no hands.
Spider toss-plastic spider toss into a formula can
Mummy bugger movers- moving mini marshmallows with a straw from a plate into a small cup
I think that is all we did. The pictures will tell for sure once I get them uploaded.
Ellie is 9!/Jairon is 13
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Yesterday was Chantelle's 9th birthday. She was thrilled to learn the missionaries had joined us for dinner. To make dinner even more special, we made a very simple, steamed rice, chicken, apple slice, gravy, and apple juice meal. With the exception of the gravy, Ellie was able to eat everything.
Celidah surprised her even more by grabbing some Jone's Soda, the only soda she can have. Jade looked up cooking with chia seeds and found a pudding recipe using only the finely ground chia seeds, coconut milk, and cocoa powder and created an Ellie pudding for her to trial.
At first Ellie thought she was going to eat everything, but realized quickly that if she only at a little bit she would be able to have some of her dessert too.
The missionaries were a bit puzzled when we reminded her to only eat what her tummy was happy with and not to try eating everything, even if she only ate a few bites of each item. Once we explained to them why she eats so little, laughingly she said, "It would be very bad to go back to the hospital just for eating everything. I don't want to say, when they say, "why are you here this time?" "well because I got stuffed like turkey on my birthday dinner!"
Her "cake" was created using flower a ice cube tray filled with applesauce and the candles in the center of each flower placed in the freezer. Once frozen the applesauce flowers became perfect candle holders.
Ellie got a tie-dyed outfit for her to help finish making her Frankenstein's cat costume, a hat and glove set, fabric paint. However, the one thing that made her scream with joy was the sheet music for Hallelujah. She has been asking for this song for a long time now.
Jairon got to celebrate his birthday with the scouts during a camp out. He was SO excited to attend a corn maze camp out as this was not only his first one but it fell on his birthday. After coming home he would not stop talking about all the awesome things he did, but came home with some cuts and bruises from the cornstalks.
Celidah surprised her even more by grabbing some Jone's Soda, the only soda she can have. Jade looked up cooking with chia seeds and found a pudding recipe using only the finely ground chia seeds, coconut milk, and cocoa powder and created an Ellie pudding for her to trial.
At first Ellie thought she was going to eat everything, but realized quickly that if she only at a little bit she would be able to have some of her dessert too.
The missionaries were a bit puzzled when we reminded her to only eat what her tummy was happy with and not to try eating everything, even if she only ate a few bites of each item. Once we explained to them why she eats so little, laughingly she said, "It would be very bad to go back to the hospital just for eating everything. I don't want to say, when they say, "why are you here this time?" "well because I got stuffed like turkey on my birthday dinner!"
Her "cake" was created using flower a ice cube tray filled with applesauce and the candles in the center of each flower placed in the freezer. Once frozen the applesauce flowers became perfect candle holders.
Ellie got a tie-dyed outfit for her to help finish making her Frankenstein's cat costume, a hat and glove set, fabric paint. However, the one thing that made her scream with joy was the sheet music for Hallelujah. She has been asking for this song for a long time now.
Jairon got to celebrate his birthday with the scouts during a camp out. He was SO excited to attend a corn maze camp out as this was not only his first one but it fell on his birthday. After coming home he would not stop talking about all the awesome things he did, but came home with some cuts and bruises from the cornstalks.
Catching Up- October
Today started fire prevention week. Due to this the base had fire trucks, ambulances, their mascot cart and a collection of fire and police men wandering the neighborhood. All was well until the blow-up man mascot stood up and started walking towards the kids. LOL the sudden and unexpected movement startled a couple kids and scared a couple others.
Thank goodness Frank was outside because he was able to calm Ava as I calmed the younger kids. Ava had sensed their apprehension and gone into protective mode. She deliberately placed herself between the kids and firemen. Once Ava and the kids were calmed, Ava understood they were not a threat and was very happy to greet them and let the kids leave the yard.
This afternoon I was working with Ellie on her math homework. Throughout she kept complaining about how Mrs B. will not let her just do her 3rd grade math in her head. "But mom after all, math is just so easy and I just get it when we do my homework. Why can't I just give the answer?"
I explained to her that there are several ways to show her work and that while right now showing her work may seem annoying, boring, tedious, there is a reason. Once her homework was finished we went to Khan Academy and looked at a basic algebra equation.
Very quickly she understood that 7x=14 means x=2, 5x=15 means x=3 and the next equation sample kind of stumped her at first. 2x+4x=18 meaning x=3. While the equation was being explained, she paused the video and let me know that the last one had to many numbers running around in her to keep track.
At this point we restarted that example and I let her see how the example was showing "keeping track of work" just like she was. Suddenly, she got all excited and understood what was going on. Once she understood, she looked at me proudly and exclaimed, "Hey I understand this, I am a mathematician after all!"
This morning we woke the kids up extra early to try reversing the order of the day. Instead of trying to end the day with scripture study (and often failing) we decided to begin the day with scripture and prayer.
The poor kids were groggy and confused as we started. This morning Jairon grabbed a random scripture mastery card and began reading, "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying resistance unto this people..." At first the "resistance was not noticed then suddenly dad, Celidah, and Jade all started laughing at the same time. Confused I asked if he meant "repentance?" Jairon confused looked back at the card and shrugged his shoulders saying, "uh huh, yeah, repentance."
Well by this point, resistance had already been said and a new meaning had begun to set in. Yes, the Borg had infiltrated our first early attempt this morning. Borg or not, the more souls that are brought to the light of Christ, how great will our joy be?
Yes, I love how kids bring a vastly different perspective to gospel topics LOL
Last night I get news from my mother that the colon cancer she thought she battled and was in remission has progressed to her liver. At this point what we do know is when colon cancer reaches the liver it is stage 4 and the prior treatments did not work like expected.
If you would please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she enters the next stage of her journey through her battle that would be greatly appreciated. She has an amazing team of doctors she to help her, however there are many unknown factors at play.
Our family has a Thanksgiving tradition of collecting things we are thankful throughout the month of November then sharing on Thanksgiving before eating.
I challenge everyone to find and collect one thankful act or blessing each day in November leading up to Thanksgiving, then sharing each act and blessing with the group before enjoying your amazing feast.
Today started fire prevention week. Due to this the base had fire trucks, ambulances, their mascot cart and a collection of fire and police men wandering the neighborhood. All was well until the blow-up man mascot stood up and started walking towards the kids. LOL the sudden and unexpected movement startled a couple kids and scared a couple others.
Thank goodness Frank was outside because he was able to calm Ava as I calmed the younger kids. Ava had sensed their apprehension and gone into protective mode. She deliberately placed herself between the kids and firemen. Once Ava and the kids were calmed, Ava understood they were not a threat and was very happy to greet them and let the kids leave the yard.
This afternoon I was working with Ellie on her math homework. Throughout she kept complaining about how Mrs B. will not let her just do her 3rd grade math in her head. "But mom after all, math is just so easy and I just get it when we do my homework. Why can't I just give the answer?"
I explained to her that there are several ways to show her work and that while right now showing her work may seem annoying, boring, tedious, there is a reason. Once her homework was finished we went to Khan Academy and looked at a basic algebra equation.
Very quickly she understood that 7x=14 means x=2, 5x=15 means x=3 and the next equation sample kind of stumped her at first. 2x+4x=18 meaning x=3. While the equation was being explained, she paused the video and let me know that the last one had to many numbers running around in her to keep track.
At this point we restarted that example and I let her see how the example was showing "keeping track of work" just like she was. Suddenly, she got all excited and understood what was going on. Once she understood, she looked at me proudly and exclaimed, "Hey I understand this, I am a mathematician after all!"
This morning we woke the kids up extra early to try reversing the order of the day. Instead of trying to end the day with scripture study (and often failing) we decided to begin the day with scripture and prayer.
The poor kids were groggy and confused as we started. This morning Jairon grabbed a random scripture mastery card and began reading, "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying resistance unto this people..." At first the "resistance was not noticed then suddenly dad, Celidah, and Jade all started laughing at the same time. Confused I asked if he meant "repentance?" Jairon confused looked back at the card and shrugged his shoulders saying, "uh huh, yeah, repentance."
Well by this point, resistance had already been said and a new meaning had begun to set in. Yes, the Borg had infiltrated our first early attempt this morning. Borg or not, the more souls that are brought to the light of Christ, how great will our joy be?
Yes, I love how kids bring a vastly different perspective to gospel topics LOL
Last night I get news from my mother that the colon cancer she thought she battled and was in remission has progressed to her liver. At this point what we do know is when colon cancer reaches the liver it is stage 4 and the prior treatments did not work like expected.
If you would please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she enters the next stage of her journey through her battle that would be greatly appreciated. She has an amazing team of doctors she to help her, however there are many unknown factors at play.
Our family has a Thanksgiving tradition of collecting things we are thankful throughout the month of November then sharing on Thanksgiving before eating.
I challenge everyone to find and collect one thankful act or blessing each day in November leading up to Thanksgiving, then sharing each act and blessing with the group before enjoying your amazing feast.
catching up
Let's see, update:
Yesterday was Ellie's first day back at school since she got sick on the 9th. She was so excited to go back, and just wanted to be back in the classroom. While she did not make the full day, she did make it through half the day before she was to exhausted to continue on.
We are so glad that she is slowly getting better and able to be back in school where she wants to be.
All six kids have finally finished their eye exams and as it turns out, all 6 kids do need glasses. While the glasses are needed for reading and school work they have all been given the option to choose whether or not to wear glasses while they are playing outside or during recess.
We also discovered that Ellie's right optic nerve is different than her right optic nerve. At this point it is something to know about and monitor. It does not look like her different optic nerve has anything to do with any of her other congenital defects or chromosomal abnormalities. However, as she has proven several times already, just because things seem to be or not to be linked, does not mean that is true. So now we have one more thing to watch and follow to make sure her optic nerves do not change any more.
Well we just got news back on the car. The throttle body and plate have been cleaned up for now and the car is idling for now. However both need to be replaced ASAP. Also the fuel pump is not pushing gas through with enough pressure. The car running at 7lbs below what it should be.
At least so far the car is needing parts replaced as few at a time with each paycheck and not all at once...
However, we still have to get glasses for all 6 kids tomorrow...
Yesterday was Ellie's first day back at school since she got sick on the 9th. She was so excited to go back, and just wanted to be back in the classroom. While she did not make the full day, she did make it through half the day before she was to exhausted to continue on.
We are so glad that she is slowly getting better and able to be back in school where she wants to be.
All six kids have finally finished their eye exams and as it turns out, all 6 kids do need glasses. While the glasses are needed for reading and school work they have all been given the option to choose whether or not to wear glasses while they are playing outside or during recess.
We also discovered that Ellie's right optic nerve is different than her right optic nerve. At this point it is something to know about and monitor. It does not look like her different optic nerve has anything to do with any of her other congenital defects or chromosomal abnormalities. However, as she has proven several times already, just because things seem to be or not to be linked, does not mean that is true. So now we have one more thing to watch and follow to make sure her optic nerves do not change any more.
Well we just got news back on the car. The throttle body and plate have been cleaned up for now and the car is idling for now. However both need to be replaced ASAP. Also the fuel pump is not pushing gas through with enough pressure. The car running at 7lbs below what it should be.
At least so far the car is needing parts replaced as few at a time with each paycheck and not all at once...
However, we still have to get glasses for all 6 kids tomorrow...
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