Suddenly, when one appointment was during a Federal Job Employment Workshop, which I am signed up for and refused to cancel my spot, the other appointment during my neurology appointment in Baltimore (scheduled 3 months ago) I am now inconvenient.
I let the person on the phone know I've have multiple blood tests come back abnormal, had blood tests redrawn, and wanted to see my doctor to understand what what is going on. Again, I was informed how inconsiderate and inconvenient I was being about my appointment being changed on me.
At this point I lost it. Instead, I informed the person on the phone that I fully understand something is not right, and that I don't understand what's going on. I now have additional specialty appointments that have been made around that appointment. I have children, 2 with medical needs and their appointments, 1 child off to scout camp, 1 child off to cubscout camp, 2 children in musical theater camp and 2 children helping with the same musical theater camp. 1 child being admitted for week long seizure testing where an adult must be present at all times. 2 kids doing marching band camp, and one doing summer school. With this schedule, shuttling kids back and forth, making sure all appointments are attended, do not tell me I'm being inconsiderate and inconvenient when you cancelled and chand my appointment.
She was also confused why I was pissy and upset these calls were coming during Zach's 5th grade ceremony where he received several amazing awards. Was even more upset when I missed the best picture opportunity.
Since I didn't hear from the clinic today about when my "new" appointment is, I'm not sure if this means I still will be seen on Monday, or if the appointment was simply totally cancelled...