Yesterday I got my stitches out! However, not in the manner planned. I had an appointment with my doctor, yet Wednesday evening during scouts and young men/women's I started having bad tummy cramping but was able to mostly ignore it. By the time I was out with a friend helping her get some shopping done it had become more intense, but still mostly ignorable.
Well that is until about 2 am when it became really bad. By 4 am I was vomiting every few minutes and diarrhea had also hit. By the time of my appointment I could barely stand and even with Zofran I was still vomiting everything up. Needless to say I was not getting my stitches taken out by my doctor. Instead she wanted me taken to the ER immediately. Jade's appointment had also been canceled and she too was to be taken to the ER with us as the clinic felt she needed a stronger breathing treatment then they had available. (her visit was short as she has pneumonia)
During my ER visit I was given multiple doses of Morphine and Zofran and I was still in severe pain and vomiting. I had to have contrast for a CT-scan along with the allergy meds and steroids to reduce a reaction. The CT-scan came back showing inflammation and infection in ileus section of the bowels. The cause of the severe pain. I am now on several pain meds and antibiotics. I am also having to focus on the liquids now because eating causes severe pain.
For now I am waiting until I can get into the GI to find out exactly what is going on and how to prevent further ER trips for the same thing again. I was supposed to see the GI already, and had been putting it off. However now I can't put it off any longer.
Oh and while I was waiting in the ER, the doctor removed my stitches. Thank goodness my face is healing up nicely!
Friday, February 13, 2015
Jade had pneumonia again
Yesterday we took Jade in (again) to see why she keeps running fevers, coughing, and vomiting. Turns out the poor kid had pneumonia.
Second time this school year she has had severe respiratory issues.
At the beginning of the year, she had the and severe bronchitis causing her to miss the 1st month of classes. Now she has once again missed just over a week.
Poor girl can't catch a break. With the marching band trip/competition next month and not being able to play her flute for nearly 2 weeks, she is going to have a lot of last minute practice to make sure she is still up to speed.
I know playing wise she'll be ok. The biggest question is, how will she be lung and energy wise.
Funny Stories For Lip Injury
So I got tired of saying I collapsed a seat in a van to load dog crates and smacked myself shoving my glasses into my lip. Yes, something that takes real talent, so I asked for some funny stories about how I ended up with a huge cut and stitches on my face. Here are some of the responses I got back :)
Cheap way of a DIY nose job (Jo)
I knew I should have warned her about that Ninja that hides in the back of my van. Oops (Trish)
I know I don't cook often - and this is exactly why. My concoctions are SO good that people go a little crazy fighting over the leftovers - this poor girl obviously missed her mouth completely and injured herself with the fork. (Les)
"So I was taking an e-cig smoke break at work when this van suddenly pulled up to the curb with a loud screech. Out jumped three hooded men dressed in black, and they grabbed another man in a dark blue suit, threw a hood over his head, and started dragging him into the van. Having recently graduated from Marielle Hanson's International School of Kickboxing and feeling a bit over-confident, I decided to intervene.
"The first guy never saw what was coming and may never wake up. The second guy saw what was coming, but not quickly enough and is now recovering nicely at the VA hospital, although it's not clear whether he'll ever be able to eat anything but soup again. The third guy proved to be a little more problematic because he was trained in the martial arts and threw a few punches that landed before I took him out with a roundhouse to his chest that cracked three of his ribs and punctured a lung.
"Anyway, it turned out that the businessman was Ryan Gosling working on the set of the new Jason Bourne movie, and that I was finally able to quit my day job and become Hollywood's newest female action hero. Look for me and Gosling in the movie when it comes out. We kind of hit it off, so to speak, and recently decided it was time for us to share a loft in SOHO. He's even better looking in person than he seems onscreen." (Micheal)
Cheap way of a DIY nose job (Jo)
I knew I should have warned her about that Ninja that hides in the back of my van. Oops (Trish)
I know I don't cook often - and this is exactly why. My concoctions are SO good that people go a little crazy fighting over the leftovers - this poor girl obviously missed her mouth completely and injured herself with the fork. (Les)
"So I was taking an e-cig smoke break at work when this van suddenly pulled up to the curb with a loud screech. Out jumped three hooded men dressed in black, and they grabbed another man in a dark blue suit, threw a hood over his head, and started dragging him into the van. Having recently graduated from Marielle Hanson's International School of Kickboxing and feeling a bit over-confident, I decided to intervene.
"The first guy never saw what was coming and may never wake up. The second guy saw what was coming, but not quickly enough and is now recovering nicely at the VA hospital, although it's not clear whether he'll ever be able to eat anything but soup again. The third guy proved to be a little more problematic because he was trained in the martial arts and threw a few punches that landed before I took him out with a roundhouse to his chest that cracked three of his ribs and punctured a lung.
"Anyway, it turned out that the businessman was Ryan Gosling working on the set of the new Jason Bourne movie, and that I was finally able to quit my day job and become Hollywood's newest female action hero. Look for me and Gosling in the movie when it comes out. We kind of hit it off, so to speak, and recently decided it was time for us to share a loft in SOHO. He's even better looking in person than he seems onscreen." (Micheal)
Surgery for Corbyn Postponed (sigh)
Well surgery for Corbyn is not happening today. This morning he fell in his room, hitting his head, knocking him out. Because of this we are now being sent to the ER for evaluation. At this point we don't know what they will do, other than the normal heme/neuro eval.
Yeah one good thing... At least for now Corbyn has a normal platelet count! His icing infusion last week brought his counts up to 208,000! He has not had a count like this since before he was diagnosed with itp. Still surgery has to be rescheduled because he fell. We are heading home.
Right now we are waiting until the 17th when he is scheduled to follow-up with the peds dr for the ER visit. At that appointment we will have a much better idea as to when we will be sent to the neuro.
Yeah one good thing... At least for now Corbyn has a normal platelet count! His icing infusion last week brought his counts up to 208,000! He has not had a count like this since before he was diagnosed with itp. Still surgery has to be rescheduled because he fell. We are heading home.
Right now we are waiting until the 17th when he is scheduled to follow-up with the peds dr for the ER visit. At that appointment we will have a much better idea as to when we will be sent to the neuro.
Feb, 9th Long and Frustrating Day...
Today has been a long and frustrating day...
First physical therapy was not in the pool and I was quickly reminded why I switched to aqua- not regular. I left hurting more then when I arrived. After PT I had just enough time to grab a quick lunch for both Zach and I as we were heading to his pulmonary/allergy appt. I like the dr, however, so far no answers for our son who randomly breaks out in hives and rashes.
The poor kid sat through 60 skin pricks, 16 just under the skin pricks and only reacted to the one he was supposed to. NOTHING else??? His lung function tests were good considering he has been coughing for months. Since he has been having to use his albuterol daily, his asthma meds have been changed. I do not remember the name of the new inhaler nor the new antihistamine. However, this antihistamine is supposed to help with the mucous and also help with his random hives. Well since all skin pricks were negative, we had an order for blood work. Good thing this was much easier and faster than the allergy testing.
Then on the way home from the appointments, some guy decided that he just had to drive like 60 mph in a 30 mph zone causing the driver in front of me to slam on her brakes. I was not quite fast enough and left a dent in the hood of my friends car. ARG!!!
Finally home... cleaning out my friends van so we can return it to her (dent and all sigh..) and as I was releasing the backseat to fold it down, the force of the springs caused the seat to smack me in the face. Right away I know something was wrong when I went to lift my glasses and they were stuck to my upper lip???
Yes the van seat smacked me hard enough to cause my glasses to get jammed into my upper lip cutting it deep. I had to bend the glasses badly out of shape just to remove them, and get pressure on my face. Poor girls were freaking out. Jade had called dad, and Celidah was ready to drive me to the ER right then glasses still stuck. Thank goodness, Frank was literally minutes away.
Yep... my night ended with Frank taking me to the ER. In the end I got 3 stitches and got cut by my glasses in a way this local ER had never seen before.
LOL I guess when things seem to have a "quiet" moment, something must happen to liven our day.
My face before the stitches...

Feb 5, IVIg Infusion
We arrived a little after 8 on the 5th for Corbyns infusion then waited for it to began at about 9:30. His infusion ended and we were finally cleared to leave at 3:30.
Finally once done we headed to the airport to grab a friend and her daughter as they were arriving around the time he finished. The timing will be just about perfect as by the time we arrive, their luggage should be be ready for them.
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