Saturday, October 1, 2011

Friends Found in Many Places

Friends can sometimes be found in unusual places. But what are friends and what makes the friendship become so special or important?
Friendship is developed, as two or more individuals cultivate a relationship through varying levels of associations. This association is simply a connection with another person, whether through common purposes, connection of feelings, activities designed to develop companionship or increase friendship.  There are many ways for people to connect, develop, and increase friendships.
Having friends has always been important to me however, until recently finding friends’ willing to accept my children with their medical and unique personality quirks has been important to me. This was important because medical equipment tends to scare people. Last night I discovered that I not only have some very good friends in Colorado but many more friends than I ever realized I have.
One of my past times, I have when chores are done or when I am not feeling well is to log onto  

Since the Young Adult is main room actively filled chatters this is where I spend most of my time. I knew I had developed friendships with many of the chatters however, what I did not realize is just how many in there I had developed friendships with. I care as well about many in this chatroom as well. If one gets sick or injured, I have to keep checking on them until they are better. If I hear that one of the chatters has a sick or injured family member, I keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
Well this time the tables were turned on me. Everyone in chat found out earlier that as I accidently slipped that the dr’s are looking for cancer. Then when I ended up in the ER everyone was not only concerned but asking for my actual name so they place my name in as many temple prayer roles as possible. Suddenly instead of my children being placed on the temple prayer roles, it was my name.
The normal chatter’s have touched me in a way I never expected. When I first let it slip that that my cancer has returned I was afraid of the reaction. Instead, everyone pulled together in a way I never even imagined. I have no words to explain the gratitude and thankfulness I have from the amount of love and caring coming from this group of people.
Just knowing these people will for sure help me as I follow the advice from Miley Cyrus and her song “The Climb” as it reminds that “Every step I'm taking, Every move I make feels, Lost with no direction, My faith is shaking. But I gotta keep trying, Gotta keep my head held high.”  Why are these friends so important and this song also important, well because it “Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb, yeah!”

ER Visit...

Tonight I found self needing to visit the local ER. Well the first big mistake I made was telling them that I am currently waiting on authorization for tests to be done and waiting for doctors to communicate with each other to determine which tests to do as well.

The next time I am simply going to tell them I am not able to eat and now can't drink enough and have severe pains and do not know why. I will simply tell them the eating and drinking issue has been from the newer and lastest reduced timelime. NOT from the original time frame.

WHY? Well tonight the only thing they did was to test my blood suger levels and holy cow 49???? Yes that had to be treated. My keytone or protein levels in my urine was NOT tested. I was only given just enough fluids to allow me to leave. The IV fluids did not start until I had been at the ER for over 3 hours as well.

I had to ask 4 times (yes 4 times) for pain meds. They did not give me any until after they drew a lactic acid test. Finally after drawing only a basic CBC and that test, they gave me IV zofran (now 3 hours past due for my meds so I was hurting REALLY bad) and dilaudin, put on oxygen and I was sent off to xray.

All said and done their answer to the pain I am having and have been having is unexplained and due to being plugged up??? This very confusing to me as this is a new issue and was NOT refelcted in the original scans I had 7 weeks ago. Oh and my 29 lb weight loss in 7 weeks is listed as "undesirable weight loss."

Their fix is to drink sugar water to control my low blood sugar levels, drink nutritional drink suppliments and just drink more. However, I finally did pee a little bit more but am still showing signs of dehyration. But that will all be fixed if I just drink like a normal person...


Friday, September 30, 2011

Acorns and Oak Trees Updated

Acorns and Oak Trees

Right before moving from Colorado, I had the opportunity to spend some time with a good friend of mine. As we were about to leave, she wanted me to have one of her silver acorns. She earned this silver acorn after completing radiation therapy. As a gift she wanted me to remember that we are both much stronger than we sometime feel like we are.
(necklace made from silver acorn given by friend in Colorado)

This acorn means a lot to me, as not only does this hold special symbolic value, but also is a piece of her. The acorn is the symbol of strength and power. The acorn seed starts out very tiny and most are eaten for food, however few survive and grow into the might oak tree. Once matured the oak tree is a symbol of strength and endurance.
(1st hand drawn oak tree drawn using carbon pencils)

After listening to President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speak on the Glory and Marvel of God’s creations, this talk fits also fits wonderfully with the acorn and mighty oak tree. First off learning to have patience is vitally important. Josh Groban states this best in his song, You Are Loved, “Don't give up, It's just the weight of the world, When you're heart's heavy, I...I will lift it for you.” When our trials seem our deepest and most burdensome, this is the time we need to work the hardest to be patience with ourselves and those around us.

The gospel reminds that, while struggling the most, to carefully strive not punish ones selves and this is once again reinforced in the song “You Are Loved “ that one must never “give up, Because you want to burn bright, If darkness blinds you, I...I will shine to guide you.” Through increasing faith and hope, the Lord will help take these weaknesses and turn them in strengths.

Learning to be happy through struggles can be very challenging. The song sung by Miley Cyrus “The Climb” is a perfect example of facing these challenges because “Every step I'm taking, Every move I make feels, Lost with no direction, My faith is shaking. But I gotta keep trying, Gotta keep my head held high.” Through looking for the simple pleasures in life and keeping the goal of Eternal Life in mind and knowing that goal can be reached, will indeed increase the overall joy, and keep one from being knocked down as often. In addition, those memories of working to improve, while fighting to keep going, are the ones that will be most cherished and remembered.

This happens knowing that there will always be another mountain to climb and conquer. There will be battles lost and battles won. However, life is not about how fast one completes the journey. Life is about discovering the simple joys along the way. Discovering love, friendship, patience, strength, endurance, happiness, and abilities throughout this journey are the most important key elements to gain strength and endurance. This is because everyone discovers he or she is truly loved far more than can be imagined by a loving Father in Heaven.

As “The Climb” reminds us it, “Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb, yeah!” Finally, through NOT giving up, the hurt will eventually leave, the soul will shine brighter than imagined, the weight of the world will be lifted, and individual love will be known. Through the trials, each mountain climbed and conquered, the accord takes root that much deeper. Before one realizes, the acorn begins growing into the strong and might oak tree, showing the effects of endurance turning into mighty strength.

first oak tree drawing

here is my first oak tree drawing attempt

Thursday, September 29, 2011

High School Spirit Week

Today was Hippie Day at school and "oops" getting pictures Celidah missed her bus... These meds mess up my time tracking ability. Thank GOODNESS Dad was able to drivr her to school as I took my dilaulid, valium, and zofran already so I am unable to drive all day. here are a few of the picts I took... (just ignore the background clutter)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well it seems that there is not much else that can be done at this point to figure out why I am having issues eating and keep enough fluids in my body. Today I am down another 11 lbs. yes dropping weight is what I have been wanting, just not this way. So far I have lost 29 lbs. The concerning thing is how fast the weight is dropping.

Also I am still dealing with the metalic taste in my mouth, rotten food taste, not tolerating food volumes, severe nausia with food or liquids, and the most recent is not tolerating liquid volumes.

My dr said I do need an IV to help with dehydration, however, she wants me to hold out as long as possible. This will allow for the GI referal to hit the Tricare system. Once I am to the point of not being able to get enough and am showing signs of severe dehydration (almost there now) then I have been instructed to head to the ED. This way I will get the needed fluids (likely to drain the bags really fast), plus the needed blood work, and other tests that being frustratingly delayed due to referals, authorizations, schedualing frustrations, and then the waiting periods.

The ED visit is work around to force the needed to tests to be allowed, and expidited. This will also help expidite the needed appointments so hopefully I can get in sooner and maybe figure out what is going on.

To help speed up the process my dr needs to know from the AZ Cancer Clinic what exactly they need for me to to get the apt scheduled. Hearing from the clinic will allow the dr to get the tests, and additional referals quicker because they would be coming from dr to dr. Then when I see the GI hopefully we can then also get other tests scheduled to get answers as to what is going on.

All we can do is hope this plan works...

Ellie being so proud of her school work

Ellie spend this morning telling me all about several of her worksheets that she did at school yesterday. On one she was so excited to tell me about the row on her worksheep.

"Look mom it's a blood cuff thing, skelliescope, blood cuff thing, skelliescop, blood cuff thing, skelliescope, blood cuff thing, skelliescope! I know my doctor tools! My doctor would be so proud!"

The matching strip had blood pressure cuff pictures and stethoscope pictures. LOL

Another worksheet she was so excited about was that she got to tell her class how to spell alligator. Apparently her teacher was suprised that she knew how to spell this word. LOL little does she know Ellie has been spelling alligator since she was 4 and this IS her all time favorite word.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Acorn and the Oak Tree

Just before leaving CO I was able to spend some time with a good friend of mine (Jade also got to see her best friend). Just before we left Julie wanted me to have one of her silver acorns. Julie earned one of her silver acorns after completing radation therapy. So as a gift she wanted me to remember that we are both much stronger than we sometime feel like we are.

This gift means a lot to me as not only is this special symbolic item, but also a piece of her. The acorn is the symbol of strength and power. The acron seed starts out very tiny and most are eaten for food, however few survive and grow into the might oak tree. Once matured the oak tree is a symbol of strength and endurance.

After listening to President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speak on the Glory and Marvel of God’s creations this talk fits also fits wonderfully with the acorn and mighty oak tree. First off learning to have patience is vitally important. Josh Groban says it best in his song, You Are Loved, “Don't give up, It's just the weight of the world, When you're heart's heavy, I...I will lift it for you.” When our trials seem our deepest and most burdensome, this is the time we need to work the hardest to be patience with ourselves and those around us.

While struggling the most please carefully strive not punish ones selves and never “give up, Because you want to burn bright, If darkness blinds you, I...I will shine to guide you.” Through increasing faith and hope, the Lord will help take these weaknesses and turn them in strengths.

Learning to be happy through struggles can be very challenging. The song sung by Miley Cyrus The Climb is a perfect example of facing these challenges because “Every step I'm taking, Every move I make feels, Lost with no direction, My faith is shaking. But I gotta keep trying, Gotta keep my head held high.” Through looking for the simple pleasures in life and keeping the goal in mind knowing that goal can be reached, will indeed increase the overall joy, and keep one from being knocked down as often. In addition, those memories of working to improve and keeping ongoing are the ones that will be cherished and remembered.

This happens knowing that there will always be another mountain to climb and conquer. There will be battles won and lost. However, life is not about how fast one completes the journey. Life is about discovering the simple joys along the way. Discovering love, friendship, patience, strength, endurance, happiness, and abilities throughout this journey are the key elements to strength and endurance. Finally most important is that everyone discovers he or she truly loved more than can be imagined by a loving Father in Heaven.

Because it “Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb, yeah!” Also if through NOT giving up, the hurt will eventually leave, the soul will shine brighter than imagined, the weight of the world will be lifted, and individual love will be known.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Original Surgery and Path Reports Found! (and delivered)

Friday was a very busy day for me. I had to run into Tucson to get the original apointment, surgery, and pathology reports so I can get the needed oncology apointment. When I 1st arrived I was able to get the needed paperwork without any issues.

I discovered I am SO glad we have our cell phone hotspots as I was able to have my laptop and internet so I could use google maps and make sure I did NOT get lost as I am directionally inepted and get lost really easy. Oh and other great thing about google maps is you can adjust the route if needed and it does NOT scream “recalulating” every few minutes if you drive a different direction then the GPS thinks you should…

With the paperwork in hand I headed off the next location, found parking in the parking garage (HATE parking garages BTW) after several laps. Walked around and finally found the onc clinic only to discover I was in the wrong place. With the correct address I googled where to head off next and was on my way again.

After arriving to the AZ Cancer Clinic I was able to get a copy of the paper work I picked up earlier, then finally leave a copy of the needed paperwork so I can get the needed apointment scheduled. Changed the address so I could get back home and was finally on my way.

Unfortunatly by this point I was heading home during Tucson rush hour traffic. Finally I arrived home, stopped on base , got gas, then headed home exhausted.

However during the trip I did discover that with my kind of cancer I just may be able to get my apointment moved up because of how rare my original diagnosis is.

We also finally have the official name of the original cancer too. The name is: Apocrine Adenocarcinoma variant: Ademoid Cystic Carcinoma with Maligmancy to the margins.

My next test is scheduled for Oct 6th. It is just the waiting that is really bugging me now.

Chantelle (shorter) at

Memories of our families greatest blessing and such a little miracle in our family.

Trying something

Trying to find a way to post picture montages and not sure if they are working or not. But other videos are available here