Once we got the kids gathered and under control again they all found out that Corbyn had been nominated by the staff there on the 7th floor for the Hero of the Month award and his application was choose for this month to represent the hospital. The Kids Wish Network helps to make the awards possible. Along with the award he got a certificate, the letter explaining why the staff felt he diserved the award, a $100 gift card for Wal-Mart, a metal to wear around his neck, and a t-shirt.
Pictures from today:
Finding out why we really went to Children's today
The t-shirt and metal
getting his certificate
getting his gift card to Wal-Mart
That is so awesome!!! How fun to have something fun like that happen to have a good memory instead of another appointment!
Thank you for sending me the link to this. What an honor and great fun for Corbyn! This is really neat! Have fun spending your money, Corbyn!
We are so happy for you!
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