Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Coding Error and Lost Scripts....Offer on the house

UGH!!! Due to a simple coding error Chantelle was approved for her feeding pump, all supping but not her MIC-Button. Finally today I got in touch with the right person at Apria and found out we were billed the full price for the button due to a simple coding error. After several frustrating calls between  Children's, the insurance, the medical supply company we finally got this issue solved.

Additionally, I have dealing with getting my CPAP supplies changed from one supplier to another but again have been dealing with my scripts getting lost, the sleep study results lost. Having to have both faxed in several times. I finally have the order in and approved and will be getting a new mask and set of supplies. This is desprately needed as my current mask is about a year old and masks are supposed to be changed out every 3-6 months depending on the kind of mask. My mask is 6 months over due for a change.

YEAH!!! After almost 3 months both are finally figured out.

Oh and we have an offer on the house. Please keep in your prayers that if all is in the Lord's plan that all will fall into place for a quick sale for our house. We have a young family that wants our house. Everything has been faxed into the bank. Now everything is in their hands as to whether or not they will accept the offer and let us sell the house.

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