Everyone seemed to have a blast at the family reunion in Lyman WY. Our family and Nana and Poppy arrived first and got camp set for us and John and his family. They were set to come in very late due to a class he had at work. Robert and his family were arriving the following day.
Once the tents were set up and sleeping bags set out we set up the "kitchen area." For this we collected the tables from all four camp sites and lined them up. We then moved the trailer on one side and the truck on the other side of the tables and rigged shade clothes using tie downs, the trailer, and the truck. This combination created a nice shaded area for eating under. At the far end we used our long folding table to set up our griddles, and camp stove.
With the tents all in one area, the cars (expect our truck being used to create shade), and a cooking/eating area, the camping was a nice spot with well defined areas.
The final night Robert and his family brought wolf-ums for everyone. This is because you make them the scarf the treat down. This is a delicious yet very easy treat to make. You take biscut dough, pudding, whipped cream, pie filling, anything thing really you want to add.
Lightly grease a wooden stick. Roll the biscut dough into a snake, wrap that into a cup and press firmly leaving no holes. slowly and carefully cook over the campfire. Once the cup is browned carefully removed from the stick and fill with fillings and top with whipped cream then enjoy.
Other campfire delights we enjoyed this reunion foil meals. Simply cut favoite vegetables add with a slice of meat, seal tightly in thick foil toss on outer sides of camp fire cook for 15-20 minutes until meat and vetegables are done.
other fun treats, starbursts, quickly turn until outsides start to bubble, let cool enjoy out side will be crunchy and insde will be warm.
turn saltwater taffy quckly until outside bubbles. let cool. Outside will be crunchy and inside soft and warm. Warning taffy will burn quickly like marshmellows if not careful
Lounging aroung talking in a bug free zone

Jade, Heather, and Ellie
I just like this picture of Jade
PoppyGroup picture after church
All the gals
All the guys
all the kids
Jade and Kapono
Ellie being goofy around the campfire
Frank hanging upside down
Look it's a....
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