First off we had to figure out where Frank needed to report and get that process taken care of. In addition to getting him reported in we also had to relearn the base as there have been so many changes. Once he was reported in the next thing we had to do was to find a place to live. That was a challenge as the NCOA Academy has many soldiers reporting in and many others currently in classes so the TDY housing was unable to fill our family size needs until the middle of the month.
We finally found a place to live. Knowing we had little time we meet with the leasing office to get the apartment so we would not be sleeping in the truck one more night. We got the apartment and willing took the apartment with water but no electricity. We did this knowing that the apartment would be cooler than sleeping in the truck all night. We left the cat and the trailer at the apartment and headed back to base.
We headed off to the medical clinic to transfer our medical care over. Finally, we were then able to head back to the ACS (Army Community Services) building and grab a Welcome Packet for the base as it was to late to get registered into the medical clinic system.
At this point I got a call from our relator letting me know the bank was telling him they had not received most of our stuff for our short sale on the house. We have buyers that are anxious to purchase the house. At this point I searched my way back to ACS to find out if they could help me scan and fax my documents. They were unable to help me so I was instructed to head over to the education center.
With that finally finished we headed back to ACS again this time to the lending closet to borrow some much needed items. As we were starting to drive the lightning struck and thunder clapped so loud it scared everyone in the car. I jumped so hard.
By this point the kids patience and tolerance for running around, errands, delays, technical issues, and frustration were starting to push them over the edge. However, they did very well regardless and they were so GLAD when we started to head home and got most of the way home and Frank called letting me know he was done for the day laughing at his timing, we turned around, grabbed him, headed home. At that point he discovered the power was still off.
The kids and Frank continued putting stuff away as I rested and started on the 6 school registration packets. After a quick call we discovered the power was actually on but a switch was not flipped. YES!!!! we had power.
Finally, a nice hot dinner, and off to bed. Once again we crawled into bed totally exhausted!
1 comment:
Wow, what a two days you and the kids had. I got exhausted just reading what you and the kids went through. I am glad and very happy that you all are ok and doing fine.
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