Saturday, October 1, 2011

ER Visit...

Tonight I found self needing to visit the local ER. Well the first big mistake I made was telling them that I am currently waiting on authorization for tests to be done and waiting for doctors to communicate with each other to determine which tests to do as well.

The next time I am simply going to tell them I am not able to eat and now can't drink enough and have severe pains and do not know why. I will simply tell them the eating and drinking issue has been from the newer and lastest reduced timelime. NOT from the original time frame.

WHY? Well tonight the only thing they did was to test my blood suger levels and holy cow 49???? Yes that had to be treated. My keytone or protein levels in my urine was NOT tested. I was only given just enough fluids to allow me to leave. The IV fluids did not start until I had been at the ER for over 3 hours as well.

I had to ask 4 times (yes 4 times) for pain meds. They did not give me any until after they drew a lactic acid test. Finally after drawing only a basic CBC and that test, they gave me IV zofran (now 3 hours past due for my meds so I was hurting REALLY bad) and dilaudin, put on oxygen and I was sent off to xray.

All said and done their answer to the pain I am having and have been having is unexplained and due to being plugged up??? This very confusing to me as this is a new issue and was NOT refelcted in the original scans I had 7 weeks ago. Oh and my 29 lb weight loss in 7 weeks is listed as "undesirable weight loss."

Their fix is to drink sugar water to control my low blood sugar levels, drink nutritional drink suppliments and just drink more. However, I finally did pee a little bit more but am still showing signs of dehyration. But that will all be fixed if I just drink like a normal person...


1 comment:

Holt-bots that do everything said...

When a person is sick like you are you should of asked "what is a normal person". For crying out loud you are in the ER, your sick and they need to help find out whats wrong. But they would not do that so your back to square one, but worse now because you had to find help some where else. Becky I am so sorry you have to go through this, I am praying for you and your family so that you may get through this and be very healthy.

Love you all