Meet Evelyn Margaret our newest family member. She is a pure bred German Shepherd puppy and is about 8 weeks old and AKC registered. She is such a sweet heart and already LOVES the kids. The funniest part about her right now is every time she eats or drinks she looks around and whines with every bite looking for her brothers and sisters as she is not yet used to being able to eat alone. She is used to having to fight for every bite of food.
By the way look how tiny she is for now...
For right now she can fit under the bed and under the futon. However, Spirit (the cat) is not sure what to think of her. Earlier today he stood his ground and swiped while hissing (yet did not touch her) yet she let out the loudest yelping and crying. One would have thought he had tried killing the poor puppy. She had no idea how to react to the cat.
She has now learned that when this cat arches his back, puffs out his fur to get back and back away. She still yelps and whines and cries. Funniest is this cat is big, but when arched and fur fluffed he is like a porcupine and looks SO much bigger than he really is.
Well after playing and working on figuring out how to climb the staring the new puppy dog Evelyn Margaret is soundly sleeping in her crate that for the moment is so very big for her. However, this crate will soon be barely big enough for her. We are already working on the crate training with her so she learns that is her sleeping spot.
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