Monday, November 19, 2012

Follow Up

We saw the GI again today and Ellie is now at 45 1/2 lbs!! So happy for good weight gain. Not as fast as the dr wanted to see with moving to the GJ, but she is thrilled with steady gain. We talked about the Neocate issues and she is concerned about Ellie having constipation issues once again now that we are on the new label Neocate and wants us to try Elecare. We are to try the transition slowly to make sure she is not reacting to it.

She is thrilled though that she is getting more color in her face and her skin coloring is closer to normal. That was the first thing she noticed. She can't wait until her coloring is better and the dark rings under her eyes are decreased even more.

We also talked about our upcoming appointment with the Genetics dr, she is glad this is coming. This is to rule out several things to include possible mito and Elhers Danlos Syndrome. Just “maybe” for the first time she may be actually classified instead of remaining on the idiopathic realm. However, whatever the Lord has in store for the amazing princess is what we will handle in stride and continue to work with her dr’s with.

All in all things finally seem to be moving in a positive direction for Ellie for the first time a very long time. 

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