Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Things we say that would leave others stumped…

This is in response to another feeding tube blog I follow and the their post about comments that we as feeding tube parents say that we either hope others do not hear, or know if they are heard wonder what they are thinking. On the Feeding Raya blog ( )  she lists some of these comments. Her list made me giggle. Ok well some of the comments I laughed more than just giggled over because yes we have been there too.

Some of our comments are:
“Chantelle why are you unplugged again?”
“Chantelle, get over here NOW so we can get your pump running!”
“Mom, just dump it in my bag, that milk is icky!”
“Oh yay!! Now I am so full, stuffed like a turkey” (she says as her feeding pump bag is full and the pump is running again)

Big sister: “Ellie, turn off the alarm on your pump!”
Ellie: “No! it says I am hungry and need milk”
Big sister: “Well, just turn it off until you get milk in there please’
Ellie: “I can’t my hands are busy and my j-tube is screaming for more milk’
Big sister: “UGH, just make it shut up already”
Ellie: “Then give me more milk, I am drawing.”
(A recent argument between Ellie and her big sister as I was in the kitchen making milk trying not to laugh at them)

“Mom! Ellie is leaking again”
“Ellie’s tubes are puking all over again!”
“Mom she’s puking in her bag again”
“Mom! She exploded again!”

“Ellie do you have your IV pole tied to you again?” (She does this she can walk around without pulling it)
 “Ellie that is an IV pole NOT a skateboard”
“hey mom look my IV pole scooter is making me oh so faster than my brothers now!”

“Ellie’s Mom, her pump threw up all over the bus again and got me so gross” (her best friend said when her extension port popped open  on the bus ride home)

“Just breath and blow on my face so we can push this button into your tummy. 1-2-3, blow, all done!! Yay!! Awesome job you did it!

“oh please do not puke!”
“Will one of you bigger kids vent her tummy now so she does not puke again?”

1 comment:

Melanie Nielsen said...

OK I laughed! And it's great because I would not be phased by any of it and I don't have those issues in my house. : )
I love those kids!