1. We love the movie
2. We have a very strong Irish/Scottish heritage
3. with all she has been through she almost always goes into the OR with a smiles and often we find her in the PACU with a smile. She is always nice and pleasant with the nurses
4. When in the hospital, even with sick she is never mean to the staff
5 She is learning to handle IV's and needles without total freakout mode now. We are now able help her "manage" frighting parts much easier.
6. She tries to help others feel happier when they too are in the hospital. She makes friends every time we go. Whether we go for appointments or she is in the hospital.
Oh and her cape hides her little black backpack for her feeding pump. The one thing different with this party that you may have already noticed. Yes there was no cake. We had no food at all. If the kids got thirsty we offered them a cup of water, then had the water stay inside.
Bear Claw and bead necklaces
Puff painting
Back Yard Archery Range
Haggis toss
Triplet bean bag toss
"Mailing tube" Caber Toss
and the opening of the presents
Because we had no cake or food we had activities to last the entire party. We did not hear any questions from any of the kids about where the cake was or why we did not have a cake or any snacks. So the many activities seemed to do the trick. Ellie had a blast, her friends seemed to have a blast, and afterwards Ellies announced, "That was the bestest party ever!" as she was snuggling into bed exhausted from her adventrues as Merida for the day.

her very best friends at her party

mailing tube caber tossing anyone? Triplet bean bag toss

Back yard archer range :) nice breeze to blow the cape back

hmmm ballet classes by chance? hehe
time for pressents

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