Monday, September 22, 2014

Trying to update since this summer again. I realized I have done most of my posting on Facebook and not here or on our CarePages site.


This summer Ellie got to try her very first sip of soda pop. She was very silly about it and did not quite know how to react at first. (hoping the links work)

Corbyn fell and knocked himself out causing a need for two ambulance rides in one day. The second one however was far from comfortable as he was tied to a board for the whole trip. The xray noticed that he some cerebral damage due to the fall, so he had to be taken to Johns Hopkins neuro shock trauma for further evaluation.

June 14th, Ellie finished her own tea set so she could have tea parties with her friends. She used the mold and bake clay, then painted each item very carefully. This was one of her last art projects for the school year.

June 16-21 Celidah and Jade attended Girls Camp and both had a blast. Ellie also attended Theater Camp, while the older 5 attended GEMS camp, and the boys Scout Camp. Celidah was a youth leader at girls camp and Jade a 4th year. The boys loved scout camp and they worked on a bunch of merit badges.

GEMS Games, Engineering, Math, Science camp. All 5 of the kids participated in the GEMS program on base this year. This program combines math, science, engineering, and games into a fun packed week where the children work with scientists here on base in the military labs. The kids learned so much about a variety of the different aspects that go on inside the professional science lab. The boys especially were surprised how different, yet fun working as a scientist can be.

Ellie being left out due to her age was unable to do any of the "cool or fun camps" so we signed her up for theater camp this summer. She had a BLAST! Not only id she make some friends, but we discovered some hidden talent inside this little one. We already knew she could sing. Now we know she has amazing potential for onstage productions as well.

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