Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Ellie is 9!/Jairon is 13

Mylil Monkies's photo.
Mylil Monkies's photo.
Mylil Monkies's photo.
Mylil Monkies's photo.
Yesterday was Chantelle's 9th birthday. She was thrilled to learn the missionaries had joined us for dinner. To make dinner even more special, we made a very simple, steamed rice, chicken, apple slice, gravy, and apple juice meal. With the exception of the gravy, Ellie was able to eat everything.

Celidah surprised her even more by grabbing some Jone's Soda, the only soda she can have. Jade looked up cooking with chia seeds and found a pudding recipe using only the finely ground chia seeds, coconut milk, and cocoa powder and created an Ellie pudding for her to trial.

At first Ellie thought she was going to eat everything, but realized quickly that if she only at a little bit she would be able to have some of her dessert too.

The missionaries were a bit puzzled when we reminded her to only eat what her tummy was happy with and not to try eating everything, even if she only ate a few bites of each item. Once we explained to them why she eats so little, laughingly she said, "It would be very bad to go back to the hospital just for eating everything. I don't want to say, when they say, "why are you here this time?" "well because I got stuffed like turkey on my birthday dinner!"

Her "cake" was created using flower a ice cube tray filled with applesauce and the candles in the center of each flower placed in the freezer. Once frozen the applesauce flowers became perfect candle holders.

Ellie got a tie-dyed outfit for her to help finish making her Frankenstein's cat costume, a hat and glove set, fabric paint. However, the one thing that made her scream with joy was the sheet music for Hallelujah. She has been asking for this song for a long time now.

Jairon got to celebrate his birthday with the scouts during a camp out. He was SO excited to attend a corn maze camp out as this was not only his first one but it fell on his birthday. After coming home he would not stop talking about all the awesome things he did, but came home with some cuts and bruises from the cornstalks.

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