Thursday, April 30, 2015

Migraine from Hell...

I have been having increased migraine issues for some time now and recently started botox injections to reduce the number of migraines and headaches I have been having. Well the injections seem to be helping reduce the number of headaches.

However, this week I was hit with one of the worst migraines I have had in a very long time. Normally, I will do everything I can to avoid the ER, but I called and got permission to go in and get the needed stronger meds that I do not have at home.

Every time I stood up, I had no balance, felt like I was going to fall over, like my head was going to explode. I could not handle the light, any movement, sounds, smells, anything. The meds I was given in the ER helped a lot, but did not get rid of the migraine. Good thing I see my neurologist again on the 14th. I am sure this insane migraine has nothing to do with starting the botox injections because I had them 3ish weeks ago so to be reacting this far out does not seen likely to me. But we'll see what my dr says...

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