Saturday, September 4, 2010

Updated Critter Creations

Here is the latest step in our paper mache' critter creations.
Working on the tiger

And ready to paint!

Honey bee, this one needed the lion masks to help the wings dry in the right shape and angle

Look out or the stinger may get you!

Peacock, what a big project this turned out to be...

Sitting on a partially deflated ball, wadded bags and newspapers to form the tail just right...

Steps 1 and 2 (iguana)

Step 3 and ready to paint

The butterfly that WAS...Until it was played with and broken 3 times in a row and NOW unfixable...
Now this child is simply painting on a canvas board.
This must be why 1st grade normaly does NOT paper mache'

Daddy and baby lion cub to be

Monday, August 30, 2010

Heros Among Us

Action Hero Night

Anyone dressed like an Action Hero will receive a FREE 4-count Kid's Meal or a Spicy Chicken Sandwich! There will be Action Heros all over the restaurant and lots of activities for the entire family.

What a perfect excuse to leave the house. We turned this adventure of finding costumes into a special Family Home Evening night out, and a reason to talk about the heros in our lives. We talked about what a hero is, who can be heros, and who are some real life heros they know of. We talked about military soldiers, police officers, doctors, parents, medical alert dogs, the Prophet, bishops, and Joseph Smith.
After leaving Chick-Fil-A we walked on the temple grounds. This was a nice end to our night. This was where we talked about Joseph Smith. The final requirement for Jairon to finish his Faith In God requirements for this year. In addition to finishing his Faith in God requirements, he also completed his religious knot for cub scouts.
Pretty as an Ice Princess

A Griffin who likes to fly like a stork...

Ariabian Knight King

A Jedi

The Bedtime Princess who steals the bad dreams...

Tigress posing then loving her favorite and special kitty.

Oh did I tell you I LOVE black and white photos. So I have added a few into this set of pictures. Now for the fun and goofy pictures...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What is Faith?

The other night we met with out home teacher and he asked the kids if they knew their parts of speech and after discovering they did he asked them if Faith was a noun, verb, adverb, or adjective. The kids were give just a minute to think about this.

Now before reading on I want you to think foor a second what part of speech you think Faith falls under.

Ok now that you have had a moment to think here was Jade's reponse.

Faith belongs to all four parts of speech. Why? Well, Faith is a noun because it is something you believe in. Faith is a verb because is why you believe. Faith is an adjective because it describes how you feel about why you believe. Faith is an adverb because it tells how you believe.

Our home teacher was blown away by her anwer as he had never heard a response like this before. Her response was so complete and added more detail than any adult had ever given.