Thursday, May 8, 2014


This afternoon Ellie had an appointment because she has been coughing and complaining about her chest and ears again. Thank goodness her lungs are clear and no sign of sinus or ear infection.

As we were just about to leave the office, the Dr M. said "at this point it is just a cold." As I was trying to respond back with, "if things get worse,"...

Ellie suddenly interrupted in her wonderfully dramatic style complete with the rolling of her eyes. "Yeah,yeah, I know it's John Hopkins ER we go!"

At this both her pediatrician and I started laughing.

This comment was funnier than earlier in the visit when Dr. M. he told Ellie that he was going to listen to her belly and listen to her belly sounds. She looked at him blankly and told him, "excuse me, I have been learning about the body and those are my intestines not my belly. My belly is the size of my fist and is right here." As she points close to her rib cage.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Boys and Their Toys (sigh)

Last October we had a Brave themed birthday party for our youngest. One of the party games we had was homemade bows from PVC pips and arrows form dowels found in the hardware/craft stores. Even though these arrows had sponge tips, they still can do some damage, simply because the shaft is wooden.

So what is the issue with these arrows we made almost a year ago? Well, on multiple occasions the boys have pulled them out for "target practice." Even though we have told them not to use them in the back yard. Until yesterday. 

This is where they really messed up. Both Corbyn and Jairon had been asked to pick up the arrows they had played and put them back in the garage. Several times. Yesterday while I was skype-ing with Frank (Dad) Celidah suddenly heard an odd sounding crack.

The cracking sound was different that what we normally hear if one of Ava's balls hits the window. She opened the curtain and freaked out. The window was broken. Jairon had darted out of the backyard to the front yard. Oh goodness this kid KNEW he was in trouble. Thank goodness he did not lie about what he did, or he would have been in even more trouble.

Today I took both boys (involved) to the military housing office and let them ask for a maintenance ticket on the window. (Something neither wanted to do.) Then they had to let them know that their father wants them to work with someone from housing giving 20 of community service since at their ages finding a summer job will be hard.

Now we get to wait and see just how much the window will cost to fix, and Thursday or Friday, we should have an estimated cost for the repair of this broken window.

Oh and guess what boys! Before you get to start helping on base, I have a garage that needs cleaning!

DME Delivery Feels Like Christmas

For the past week I have been having issues with Ellie not wanting to wear her backpack and feeding pump. Saturday, she actually hid her extensions inside her backpack so it looked like her pump was running. When I first questioned her about this she told me that she just wanted to play longer.

Well this morning we talked again about her pumps casually as I was letting her know due to her coughing she would be hooked up to the pedialyte all day as I had to give her extra meds. During this conversation in only an "Ellie" conversation and dramatic fashion she informed me that one of her pumps is so noisy and proceeded to mimic to the best of her ability the sound the pump makes.

With this in mind we finally opened the new DME (durable medical equipment) delivery boxes and discovered the insurance has approved one more pump for us! Ellie was jumping up and down with total excitement over a new and silent pump. (I have to admit I too was excited). We now have 2 pole clamps, 3 charging cords, 3 pumps, and can use the noisy one as a backup pump.

The other exciting thing for Ellie was a larger child's backpack. This one is perfect for her, and is not the super mini (toddler sized which we have 3 or 4 of). YAY! We  now have a backup backpack if her main backpack is dirty.

Oh and we are now getting enough syringes that we can use 1 per med dose per day!! something I never thought I would be excited about. However adding the MCT oil to her formula, each syringe is pretty much good for that use because once the syringe sits for a few minutes, it becomes stuck. I can now pre-predose the meds again (not the oil) and then we can just toss the syringes as we no longer have to wash then out! (The older kids will LOVE this!)