Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Day Presents Part 2

With 6 kids the presents and pictures add up fast, here are but a few of the pictures from Christmas Day...


 oh look new shoes and just in time mine are already getting ripped out!
 oh look I now have my own kitty!
 oh an Uglies book!! Now I just need books 1-3!
 oh look a game!
 Sweet a Nerf gun! one more for our collection!
 Oh look Zach I have a kitty too!!
 I am a knight out I have the Nerf Sword, mwuahhhaaa!!!
 I got ya!!!

 hey look a perfect fit!
 cool Legos!!!
 Celidah! I got my own horses!!!
 What is this?
 Mom!! I have my own art set!!!
 a transformer!

 Sweet Zelda for the Wii!!!
 Corbyn I got legos too!!!

 What is this?
 Open it Celidah! open it hehehehe!!!
Celidah: "A tiger striped rock?"
Jade: "yes from the WA-DC field trip"
Celidah: "You got it for me?"
Jade:"I thought about you when I found it"
 (dialog between Celidah and Jade)
 Both girls loved the thoughts and gift Jade hand made the wrapping paper and Celidah loved the thought and rock from her sister (I love spontaneous moments like this at Christmas)
 and Jairon got a puppy for Christmas
 oh the dreaded noise making ball shooting fire truck every little boy wants for Christmas
 and another bigger puppy for Christmas
 something else to create with
 a tiny kitten
 long shirt perfect to wear with her jazz pants at school
 Yes another book set American Girl book set with a game
 Another animal for Ellie

 BIG game set for Zach

 another outfit for Jade
 Fuzzy Tinkerbell Socks!!!
 Dress shoes
 another dress
 a dress with pockets
 another shirt
 more art stuff
 oops a bit excited, tore the cover...
 look another plaid shirt..perfect to go with his current plaid shirt collection LOL
 AWESOME MOM!!! I got candy making stuff!!!
 SWEET more candy making stuff!!!

 an old angel ornament from my aunt
 clothes pin doll from Nana that has become a tree ornament
 also from my aunt
another ornament from my aunt