Friday, October 21, 2011

Witnessing an Accicent and being the 1st Responder...

At 1am this morning I was awakened by Frank shouting to me to call 911 because there was a rollover accident and get the 1st aid kit and run it over to him. However, NOT fun trying to talk with the 911 dispatcher when you have been asleep, have no idea where you are, see NO signs, and as soon as you get out of the car get covered in goat heads…

The car started heading south on  I-25 drove across the median headed into our lanes, swerved back into the median then flipped over the south bound lanes and rolled.  Frank quickly slowed the car then suddenly was shouting at me to call 911.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

ALWAYS Check your kids homework...

I saw this on my cousins Facebook page and JUST had to copy and paste it over here...

Newest Watercolor Painting

Monday, October 17, 2011

Children's Program at Church Today

This morning was the children's program at church and it was wonderful as usual. The theme this year was I Love to See the Temple. The main scripture was: For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them (2 Nephi 4:15).

The sang so loud and beautifully. The first song was Tell me the Stories of Jesus
    after parts were recited
They next sane I will Follow Gods Plan

One of the primary children recited the 6th Article of Faith:
We believe in the same organization the existeors, teachers, d in the Primitive Church, namely apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

Corbyn's line was:
Nearly 200 years ago when Joseph Smith was only a few years older than I am, he wondered which church he should join. He carefully studdies the Bible in his search for the truth. Joseph knew the scriptures were true. After reading and pondering James chapter 1 verse 5, he decided to ask ask God which church he should join. Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Chrisr appeared to Joseph Smith.
Praise to the Man

Stand for the Right

If I Listen With My Heart

The 4th Article of Faith (sang by the CTR 7 class)

The next important scripture rectied was James 1:5
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Zach's line was
We can recieve answers to our prayers through the Holy Ghost, the word of our prophet, the scriptures, or our family and friends.

The next song was a special musical number from the military branch, A Child's Prayer and was done amazingly well.

Chantelle line was:
Forever and ever our family can be. We're sealed in the temple for eternity. Sealed in the temple, my family is mine. We can be together, a blessing divine.

Following this a child talked about what it was like when her family got sealed together in temple,

Then the everyone the children and congregation sang
I Love to See the Temple
 The next song was The Lord Gave Me a Temple

The next scripture recited was Doctrine and Covenants section 133:37
This gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindered, and tongue, and people.

The next secion was all about missionary work and Jairon part was:
President Gordon B Hinckley said it this way: "Great is our work, tremendous is our responsibility in helping to find those to teach. The lord has laid upon us a mandate to teach the gospel to every creature.

The final and and closing song was I Will Be Valiant.

This program was wonderful as usual and filled with so much wonderful messages. The bits and pieces pulled from the Family: A Proclomation to the World. This proclmation does declair that we are indeed children of a loving father in Heaven who loves us greatly and desires nothing more than our return to his presence.

Through learning to follow the needed steps such as baptism, being kind and giving, the plan of salvation, making the right choices each day, praying, reading the scriptures, then keeping our baptismal covenants will be easier.

The next part I really liked covered the atonement and how we can be cleaned from our sins or wrong doings. This is wonderful because wrong-doings may not be especially huge wrongs in our lives, but little things that need to be worked to improve our lives allowing us to be forgiven and allow us to forgive others.

One of my favorite forgiveness quotes I found on facebook and saved to my computer

I also loved how the kids talked about temples and how our body is a temple. By keepin gour body clean through the way we eat, dresss, read, what we listen to and watch, we are preparing ourselves for a mission. Through the valiant efforts we will be rewarded for doing the best we can to follow what we have been asked to do by the prophet, the Lord, our teachers, leaders, parents, and the scriptures.