Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today has been a very busy day at Children’s once again. Our day started at 9:00 with the ITP hemo specialist. Corbyn’s platelet level is currently sitting at 5000 per unit. He has a long way to go to meet the minimum 100,000 platelets per unit. Right now, his numbers are going up and down and he is continuing to bruise very easy.

Jade is doing very well and is about 45% for height and 10% for weight. Her dancing has helped her to gain weight through building muscles. She did very well and does not need to see her doctor for 6 months. We then talked with the dr again about Corbyn and his issues with school. Both doctors we saw today for Corbyn and Jade feel that he is taking to long to process and they feel that he needs a complete learning evaluation. They want to see if they pinpoint just where his processing issues are coming from and the best way to help him.

The doctor feels that the reason Corbyn is spacing out is he is being bombarded with to many details and to much information for him to continue absorbing all the information throughout the day. She really feels that his staring episodes are due to him not understanding what is being said and his refusal is not exactly refusal but information overload.

We will be getting a complete learning evaluation, possible OT evaluation, and if the evals do not show exactly what is going on then we will add a neuropsychologist to the team to work with him.

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