Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spending time with Daddy

Spending time with daddy in the kids eyes, and in daddys eyes are not always the same things. Before we left the kids had planned out exactly what they were going to do with daddy when he came home from Afghanistan. However, what they did not take into account was funds available, what daddy wanted to do, and the time we really had with daddy before he to work related things.

They had in their minds that we were spending 21 days in TX. During those 21 days in TX 19 would be with daddy. Well there are 6 so they would each get 2 days each and daddy and I would have 2 days each and we would have 4 family days. During that time they wanted to go to Sea World, Water World, the beach, and 6 Flags. Not to mention they each had 2 places in mind.

What they did not know is that his flight would be delayed and that he would arrive 1 week after we got there, have 3 days with the family, then have to do work related stuff every other day were were there and spend evenings with us.

Not to montion huge crowds was not on the adgenda at all with either mom or dad. Nor could we travel past a certain mile distance beyond base. Besides dady wanted to spend time with the family. We swam, watched movies in the hotel room, played video games, played at parks, basiclly did things as a family.

Mom and dad did have a date night alone without kids. We attended the temple, and watched a movie and had dinner out. This was important for us to have some alone time as it was important for the kids to have time with daddy.

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