Friday, April 17, 2015

the joys of falling (sigh)

So I am not sure why or what's going on, but annoyingly I'm starting to fall more often again. I am actually not looking forward to my next neurology appt because this Dr asks every time if I have fallen since my last appt, what I was doing when I fell, if I got hurt, and how bad. Twice in a week now just walking and my foot has given out.
Last time I bruised my right arm, side, knees, and right leg pretty good. This time I skinned my knee, twisted my left ankle, and messed up muscles in my right calf, and tore a hole in my jeans.
So embarrassing to be leaving a place of business and have another customer following you just to watch you collapse to the ground. We both had to grab something from our cars. More embarrassing, was to leave a bit later with the same person following again, reminding me in front of Frank, Jade, and Trish, my friend that I needed to make sure to ice my ankle once home. LOL had I tried not telling Frank I fell, he would have found out as we left. UGH...

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