Friday, February 3, 2012

Coughing and Rashes...

Well kids are still coughing...Zach was sent home again yesterday from the cough and vomiting. Dr M thinks his cough is causing him to throw up. Good news is Both Celidah and Zach are finally on the med with their coughs.

However, with Ellie she developed a granuloma under her new mic-key button. We started treating the granuloma right away and that has already receded however she now has another rash that is spreading around her buton site. I took her in to see Dr M today and he is thinking she may have a MRSA infection around her stoma site.

The rash she has looks like a bunch of mini-granulomas around her stoma. The first couple days of treating the granuloma we did not notice much of anything then suddenly the rash appeared and has been spreading.

Over the next couple days we have watch to make sure the skin does not become inflamed between the layers, or the bumps become filled with pussy liquid. If either of these happen then we have to take her straight to the ER and let them know we suspect a MRSA infection.

Also Ellie is still mostly using the feeding pump for all her liquids until further notice. We are waiting to see what ENT says about her laryngeal cleft, and pulmonary says about her reoccurring lung infections. Once we have had those appointments we will have a better idea about what is going one and will be able to get a good game plan in place for her.

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