Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Playing the Platelet Game Again...

Monday I was sitting in the ER with Ellie because of a partially clogged J-Tube. Today while Corbyn was in school I received a call from the JHCC hematology center letting me know that his platelets have continued to drop and he needed to be seen today.

So once again I dressed Ava (my service dog) for yet another trip, headed to the middle school to pull Corbyn for the rest of the school day. Once arrived at JHCC they had an order alrady placed so we went straight for labs then to see his Dr, yes has had his blood drawn twice today. During the initial exam he clearly has the beginning of petechiae again. What is frustrating is his 16K count normally does not cause rashes for him.

The game plan? Well we came home with a script for prednisone to hold onto until after his next blood draw on Wednesday before school. If he continues to drop we will start the prednisone again. Not only that we will at least keep in weekly phone contact with his hematologist team after each blood draw. During the phone calls we will then make the determination if he in need of starting treatments back up again. Additionally, his hematologist Dr and peds Dr will also keep in weekly contact. Between this team and Corbyn his hematologist is confident that we will keep on top of things.

The best part is that we do not have to drive in to Baltimore weekly for his blood draws right now! YES! I love his team too. Even if the call to bring him in today was not what I expected.

According to Corbyn the best part was that he got to school at almost 9 due to the blood work. Then after the call he was pulled out of school by 12:30. Had he not been at lunch he would have been pulled out around noon. Hehe, he loved his short day!

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