Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Leaving for our family reunion

With the house empty and our household goods on their way to Maryland and into storage there we headed off to our family reunion in WY. Our first stop on the way was at the Lincoln Memorial Rest Stop. This is a totally amazing rest area. The memorial from my understanding was built in less than a week. The day we visited the flags in the whole area were all half mast due to  police officer who had died while trying to saving a little girl who had fallen into a river someplace in the local area. We do not know anything about the little girl.

According to information found at the rest area Lincoln had the dream to make connecting freeways across the nations to connect all states.
 I just loved the close up headshot of this statue
 This prarie dog came within inches from us begging fro crackers. As you can tell this little creature is very well fed. The hide out for this and his compantion was under the dumpster nexter to where we parked our truck and the trailer.
 The group in our truck. Jade followed a couple hours behind with her aunt and uncle in their van with her cousins.
Money people tossed behind the statue to donate to the rest area to help with the upkeep.
The whole statue

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