Monday, September 19, 2011

Kilo’s or Lbs…

Hmm. What happens when the nurse is NOT paying attention to the scale and weighing children during a check is total confusion and the growth charts showing the kids are seriously underweight…

This is what happened today when the Jairon and Zach had an appointment to get the needed asthma meds so if they have asthma issues at school they will have them available.

The nurse did NOT notice the scales was set to kilo’s NOT lbs. So Jairon was weighed at 30 lbs NOT 68 lbs and Zach 25lbs NOT 55lbs.

After talking with her about their activity level for a few minutes then asking what their weights were and hearing 30 lbs for Jairon and 25 lbs for Zach I asked her “are you sure they were not weighed in kilo’s NOT lbs? That sounds about right for a kilo weight. There is no way my almost 6 yr old is weighing 40 lbs now and Zach bigger and wearing a larger clothing size can weigh less than she does.”

Hearing this she walked over to the scale and looked. Yep it was was set to kilo’s NOT lbs. So she re-weighed the kids, redid the growth charts, and  sure enough they are still on the light side but just fine.

Right now I am SO glad the Children’s ONLY weighed all kids in kilo’s so I could catch the error so quickly.

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