Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Successful First Day!

Getting off the bus with a HUGE smile!
 Once off the bus Ellie could not help but to run and bounce her way over to me with the biggest grin and so full of giggles. Telling me that had the "funnest day ever!"

As soon as she was in the house she quickly dumped everything out of her backpack onto the floor and was so proud of the little books and letter worksheets she got. Her class learned about the letter C. She was SO excited that she knew some of the words in her little books.

After reading me her books and telling all about the pictures in each book she grabbed her lunch box, sat on the kitchen floor, pulled her uneaten sandwich, gave me a HUGE smile and exclaimed "I so HUNGRY now!" and devoured the rest of her lunch.

Once her little books were put away and backpack was but back in her room she was SO excited to go outside and play on the playground.


Holt-bots that do everything said...

She had to much fun at school to eat her lunch, had kids that way also. It is so good to know that it was not only my kids that did that, forget to eat their lunch because they were to happy to be at school. Have fun Ellie and hope you have many fun days at school.

And Becky staying positive is a hard thing to do, even when your husband does not, been there. John wanted to look in the future and say we need to do this when we did not even know what was wrong with me. So I am praying that every thing can be taken care of by surgery and no chemo or radation treatment.

Talk to the kids and get them to think positive also, do not talk about the negitive stuff because yes you are sick, but not cancerous at least not right now.

My Little Monkies said...

Yes she is totally loving school. As far Frank and being positive he is doing a great job working to help me remain as posisitve as possible as we face this new adventure in our life.

It was not frank who told me I am in denial with my cancer being back. I was refering to a comment by someone else trying to help me better accept the tests I am undergoing and more tests waiting to undergo.