Monday, December 5, 2011

Rules coming back at me...

Ok so for years now it has been the rule that the either Ellie eats her food or she gets her formula or as he calls it her "Ellie Milk." So last night she had not eaten very well again and gladly she was allowed an extra can of her Bright Beginnings Soy Milk. At the same time she asked me if I too would like a drink, so I told her I would like some water.

Well a few minutes later she came to the kitchen entry with the jug of Egg Nog asking me how much I would like. I told her "no thank you, water please. Then she comes back the kitchen entry with the jug of regular milk, again asking me how much milk I wanted. (sigh) Again telling her "no thank you, water please," she looked annoyed at me put the milk back and brought me water.

However, this time with my water she told me, "Mom, if you are not going to eat you need milk, you know the rule!" and walked away...

Trying hard not to laugh or look annoyed at my daughter, I was not sure just how to respond to her comment as yes she really was right on so many levels as yes I do need to eat more than I have been. However, she just has no clue how my body is reacting to foods right. UGH how annoying when my rule for food for her comes back to bite me too. LOL...

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