Thursday, March 22, 2012

missing school again

Poor Ellie is home again and back on Pedialyte getting another clean out today. At least this time it is working faster because we have been using the Miralax daily but the poor child has been missing to much school for her GI issues.

Yesterday at school we had to turn off the pump again due to her formula not being digested and it all being pushed through the clamp and into her farrel bag. Part the formula was undigested and part was partly digested. She so happy for the last 2 1/2 hours of school to be free of her pump and totally disconnected. We let her stay off the pump until dinner time and hooked her up to the Pedialyte mixed with Miralax at that point. This morning is when she had a major blowout which means things are moving through her faster this time. If all goes well she hopefully will be able to return to school tomorrow or only miss 2 days of school this time.

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