Friday, February 13, 2015

Stitches are out

Yesterday I got my stitches out! However, not in the manner planned. I had an appointment with my doctor, yet Wednesday evening during scouts and young men/women's I started having bad tummy cramping but was able to mostly ignore it. By the time I was out with a friend helping her get some shopping done it had become more intense, but still mostly ignorable.

Well that is until about 2 am when it became really bad. By 4 am I was vomiting every few minutes and diarrhea had also hit. By the time of my appointment I could barely stand and even with Zofran I was still vomiting everything up. Needless to say I was not getting my stitches taken out by my doctor. Instead she wanted me taken to the ER immediately. Jade's appointment had also been canceled and she too was to be taken to the ER with us as the clinic felt she needed a stronger breathing treatment then they had available. (her visit was short as she has pneumonia)

During my ER visit I was given multiple doses of Morphine and Zofran and I was still in severe pain and vomiting. I had to have contrast for a CT-scan along with the allergy meds and steroids to reduce a reaction. The CT-scan came back showing inflammation and infection in ileus section of the bowels. The cause of the severe pain. I am now on several pain meds and antibiotics. I am also having to focus on the liquids now because eating causes severe pain.

For now I am waiting until I can get into the GI to find out exactly what is going on and how to prevent further ER trips for the same thing again. I was supposed to see the GI already, and had been putting it off. However now I can't put it off any longer.

Oh and while I was waiting in the ER, the doctor removed my stitches. Thank goodness my face is healing up nicely!

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