Sunday, September 25, 2011

Original Surgery and Path Reports Found! (and delivered)

Friday was a very busy day for me. I had to run into Tucson to get the original apointment, surgery, and pathology reports so I can get the needed oncology apointment. When I 1st arrived I was able to get the needed paperwork without any issues.

I discovered I am SO glad we have our cell phone hotspots as I was able to have my laptop and internet so I could use google maps and make sure I did NOT get lost as I am directionally inepted and get lost really easy. Oh and other great thing about google maps is you can adjust the route if needed and it does NOT scream “recalulating” every few minutes if you drive a different direction then the GPS thinks you should…

With the paperwork in hand I headed off the next location, found parking in the parking garage (HATE parking garages BTW) after several laps. Walked around and finally found the onc clinic only to discover I was in the wrong place. With the correct address I googled where to head off next and was on my way again.

After arriving to the AZ Cancer Clinic I was able to get a copy of the paper work I picked up earlier, then finally leave a copy of the needed paperwork so I can get the needed apointment scheduled. Changed the address so I could get back home and was finally on my way.

Unfortunatly by this point I was heading home during Tucson rush hour traffic. Finally I arrived home, stopped on base , got gas, then headed home exhausted.

However during the trip I did discover that with my kind of cancer I just may be able to get my apointment moved up because of how rare my original diagnosis is.

We also finally have the official name of the original cancer too. The name is: Apocrine Adenocarcinoma variant: Ademoid Cystic Carcinoma with Maligmancy to the margins.

My next test is scheduled for Oct 6th. It is just the waiting that is really bugging me now.

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