Friday, October 28, 2011

Some boxes unpack MANY to go

Well we have some boxes unpacked and STILL have TON to go. But the best part is the fact that we ALL have our own beds and real beds at that!!!

The first rooms we made sure to set up were the bed rooms. Most of the clothing is in drawers, beds put together and made. I am SO oh so happy for a real bed and my own bedding. I am finally in a confrotable bed with plenty of blankets and NOT freezing YAY!!!.

Tomorrow we get unpack more boxes, set up the gorilla shelves in the storage shed and in the laundry room, set up our dining room and kitchen. FINALLY! I get to try eating something something that is gluten free and see if my body tolerates that without horrid cramps and spasms. If this is the case then one of the griddles will be set aside ONLY for me and my foods. I will make some oter foods in small portions, then on payday get some baking pans that I will lable for GF cooking only.

If I have to return to a GF diet I will. I may have to return to CF diet as well too. However if this allows me to eat, control my BGL's (blood glucose levels) due to my hypoglycemia and other GI issues. I can't wait to play with my kitchen aid again as I miss making bread.

The big question right now is can I make gluten based breads for the kids and frank, or will that adversly affect me, or will I be ok as long as I do not injest it. Can I make the breads and goodies if I wear gloves.

I have to findout just how bad my body is reacting right now. What I do know is that everytime I eat ANYTHING not GF then within 15-20 minutes I am having such bad cramps I can barely stand and have to take my strongest pain killer meds just to tolerate even laying down.

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