Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I love homeschooling my youngest and her total desire to learn. What makes this even more fun is seeing her confidence develop and grow throughout this process.

Today I had a dermatology appt, and being the curious little munchkin that she is, Ellie had some questions for the doctor today. We have just started a unit on the skeleton and muscular system so she had some questions that needed further answering.

First off, "What is the difference between the scalp and skull?" With this question she was all excited to fully make the connection that the scalp is the bit of skin covering her skull, and the skull is the bone that protects the brain.

"What does the brain look like?" I let her know this question would have to explored at a later time. Happy with answer, she suddenly touched her hair, felt her scalp, then asked, "Wait, does hair grow like grass?" The dermatologist let her know that in a way it does, but does not. He talked with her about roots and follicles to help hair grow.

When she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she answered in such a straight and serious face and tone of voice that nearly made all of us laugh. Looking into the eyes of the dermatologist she replied back, "But a scientist of course." He replied back to her with, "and one day you will make an amazing scientist." She replied back again, "Of course, because science is so awesome and there is just much amazing stuff to learn."

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