Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Several Medical updates that will be lumped together as well... Yeah we have had a crazy start to our year...

You know your child has been to the doctor a few times when the screening nurse is at the computer opening her chart to check your child in. However, instead of waiting she carefully stands just right to measure herself, takes her backpack off lays it on the floor, zero's out the scale, sits and waits for her weight. Finally, she begins preparing the blood pressure cuff for the nurse.

As soon as she turned around and saw what Ellie did, she smiled and giggled at her and simply told her what a good job she did.

So far me this has not been a good start migraine and vertigo wise. More days than I would like to admit I have awakened with severe vertigo, nausea, and well simply put, walking makes me feel like I am on a roller coaster.

Ava my dog is coming along great with her training though and we have found a combination that is working very well for me. I have a handle that attaches to her harness, we also use a gentle lead haltie, and a regular leash. The regular leash is separated in about 1/3rds which allows me to hold the shorter end of the leash and the vest handle together. Then the other portion of the leash I simply let drape in front and can correct as needed with gentle nudges.

I also started the new year with a bad case of bronchitis. This time was bad enough I have missed about a month of church, had to go on antibiotics and prednisone. Oh so glad to be off the horrid tasting prednisone.

Jan 16th
We had one of the best pulmonary appts for Ellie to date. We talked about her PFT (pulmonary function test), the lack of steroids and antibiotics since school started, and drastic decrease in hospitalizations. Dr C asked what we have done for this drastic turn around with Ellie, and when he learned we are homeschooling her said to keep it up because health wise this is obviously what she needs at this time. This is the best her lungs have been.

Her PFT showed that her lungs have moved in the (lower levels) BUT normal functioning levels. This is a level we thought we would never see with her. YAY!!!! WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS!!!!

The only change he recommended was to have her albuterol, accupella, saline, accupella, pulmacort. the reason for the albuterol first is because that will open her lungs more allowing for more gunk to move around. The saline will also allow for more gunk to be moved out. Then we do not use the accapella after the pulmacort because that needs to stay in her lungs.

Jan 24
Still sick with bronchitis... PLEASE let my lungs heat and feel better UGH...

Jan 27
Finally, not feeling run over by a steam engine...

Well we have been working on food trials with Ellie and so far she seems to be doing ok with rice. So we have started to let her have a rice/quinoa noodle and the gluten free rice chex. She is so excited to have these 2 new foods a few times a week. 

While she does complain of tummy aches and needs the ferral bags more often when eating she simply loves being able to eat. So far her foods now include, apple, pear, rice, chicken, and quinoa.

Oh and since we have been able to increase her pump flow rates both day and night she has gained a bit of weight again. Hopefully we can keep her gaining and growing again!

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