Tuesday, January 28, 2014

To the Moon and Back

As parents we reach out to others for help, support, comfort, and sometimes just to know we can follow another's path. Margi Harrell, poem "Footprints in the Sand" starts off as if in a dreamlike state. This poem is written to understand the guide on the beach is the Lord. For now I am going to look at other possibilities. Who would I need along my physical side during turmoil? Would it be my mother, mother in law, brother, brother in law, father, father in law, best friend, or doctors? Looking at this "physical' list there are many possibilities to walk along the beach with.

Children are so precious to parents and many forget how blessed they are to read to, talk to, see and hold their children on a daily basis. Please, give your kids an extra hug tonight knowing they will wake up and greet you with the same smiling faces, same hyper actions, same big hugs letting you know they love you to the moon and back.

A military family I know of had their world turned inside and out and been on the emotional roller coaster while watching their 11 month daughter lose her ability to fight and earn her angel wings. In the past two months this tiny child has endured 3 major surgeries, one major heart attack with CPR being performed for over 30 minutes, a minor heart attack with another short CPR burst. Her tiny tired body is running out of strength and her parents will be able to hold her for the first time since her first surgery in early December. Please keep this family in your prayers and thoughts as this family is forced to return to life as it was before their daughter and before her first open heart surgery. 

For most families everything is and will go wonderfully and smooth. However, for the "parent" or dreamer who is struggling and looking back, they may noticing two sets of footprints, with an occasional one set here and there. Stopping to pause and ponder this curiosity, the parent asks where the support went when it was most needed. The walking partner quietly listened as this exhausted parent talked about the times with the greatest struggles, feeling defeated, and thought everyone around had forgotten. The walking partner quietly said, "The times when you have only seen one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carried you." 

Just who is walking partner? This partner could be your best friend, a parent, someone you are just meeting who has already walked the you are about to begin, or even Christ.

Personally, we have dealt with some major stuff with a few of our children, yet even their issues seem minor compared to what other families deal with. I think that is one of the reasons I participate in special/medical needs groups I do. These groups help keep me grounded and focused. for example the day Ellie went in to get her button changed under anesthesia, another child was going to the OR for a 16-20 hour open heart surgery. A different child was also entering a different OR for cleft repair. Three very loved and important children in three different states, yet all hoping for success.

I do not understand why our family was blessed with the medical/special needs children we have. I also hope that someday I can become a walking partner and carry them while they need the one set of foot prints for that time period.

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