Friday, September 2, 2011

Starting School Frustrations...

Wow I never knew that starting school would or could be so frustrating and challenging. Colorado has been in session in Aurora for 2 weeks, in Longmont for 1 week, in Arizona for 1 month and Maryland for 2 days for elementary, 3 days for high school and 1 day for preschool and kindergarten.

We meet with the elementary school principal, school nurse, and spec ed team on Tuesday to ensure proper placement for the kids here. It seems in Arizona a child with a medical disorder and limited physical abilitied qualifies the child for an IEP.

Jade had an IEP when she was in preschool due to her Autism and now with an Autism/gifted classification the school here wants to ensure that she has the right placement and an IEP if needed. Corbyn may need an IEP due to his platelet disorder for sure a 504 plan. Chantelle, well they are NOT sure what to do with this little princess and her complex medical issues and food allergies. Hopefully the younger 5 will start school on Wednesday.

Then we have Celidah who is entering high school but will not finish the 9th grade in Arizona, and may or may not graduate in Maryland. Her guidance counselor here in AZ is also her military liason and wants to coordinate her schedule to make sure all her classes will transfer to Maryland. The school here is willing to offer her an unusual and modified schedule if needed to ensure she has classes that line up with their program. This I think is outstanding.

However, Maryland is far east and by the time I was able to call the guidance counselors had already left for the day and no one is available for helping us out until Tuesday due to the holiday weekend. So She will not start school here for sure until Wednesday.

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